Three: Innocent Ice Cream

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"What movie shall we watch?" Louis asks, sitting on the floor in front of Harry.

"Anything horror," Harry replies smirking.

I'm good as long as we don't watch Halloween-

"Halloween!" Lucy chirps excitedly smiling at me evilly.

"Okay! I think we have that one," Louis states, running over to the movie stack and finding it.

OH MY GOD NO. Michael Myers is legit the scariest person I've ever seen in my life, and just the thought of him scares the living daylights out of me.

"Macy, are you okay?" Liam asks me from his seat in the bean bag near Louis.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say plastering a smile onto my face.

"Michael Myers is coming for you," Lucy whispers in my ear while her and I sit on the two seater couch closest to the TV.

"LUCY!" I snap, shoving her backwards while she laughs.

I look over to find all five of the boys looking in my direction confused while Lucy continues to laugh.

Soon, the creepy Halloween music fills the living room, and Zayn turns off the lights.

Right now I really hate Zayn Malik.

Lucy and I were really into it even though I was clutching onto a pillow. My eyes were glued to the screen.

Suddenly, to hands grab my shoulders, Lucy and I both jumping up off the couch in unison, screaming at the top of our lungs.

The boys' laughter fills the room, and it turns out Zayn and Louis had been the ones to scare us.

"LOUIS FREAKIN' TOMLINSON, ZAYN FREAKIN' MALIK, AND ALL YOU OTHER YAHOOS DIE!" Lucy yells grabbing the pillow she had been holding onto during the movie, and then whacking Zayn right in the face, him falling backwards onto Louis.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Louis suddenly yells.

Everyone stands there, waiting for him to finish his sentence.


Macy and I laugh and soon a full fledge pillow fight begins.

Although, it ended pretty soon...

You see... Sometimes when I get really into something I tend to have bad aim... So I hit Zayn where the sun don't shine.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT MACY!" Lucy laughs clutching her stomach.

I quickly walk over to Zayn who was being comforted by Liam, "Oh my god, Zayn I'm so sorry!" I apologize. I just hit a world famous singer in the balls! Now all those crazy, murderous Directioner chicks will come hunt me down and eat me alive!

"You--- You throw really hard," he chokes out, taking in deep breaths.

"Man, it's like you're in labor," Lucy states, walking over to him.

Zayn sends her a death glare while Liam holds his mouth shut with his hands to keep from laughing out loud.

The other three boys were laughing so hard they all seemed like they were going to die any second due to loss of oxygen.

"Zayn do you need ice?" Liam asks in all seriousness without even cracking a smile after he recovers from laughing through his hand.

"What about some frozen peas?" Lucy then questions.

"Or a tub of ice cream," Louis adds on.

"EWWW!" Lucy and I shriek I'm unison.



While they laugh, Lucy and I find ourselves to the kitchen. Lucy grabs out a ziplock bag and hands it to me so I could feel it with ice-- we are their babysitters after all. I follow Lucy back in, and toss Zayn the bag of ice.

"Thanks," he says- me nodding and taking a seat next to Lucy on the couch.

"It's only your first day here, and I already like you girls. It's nice to know Simon has a good taste in babysitters," Louis states.

"Well, it was only fate that he picked us. After all, both Macy and myself used to stalk you guys all the time," Lucy says smirking.

"PSH, we still stalk you guys!" I exclaim laughing.

"Creeper alert..." Harry whispers to Louis.

Lucy chucks a pillow at his head while he laughs, "I was kidding! We all know over two-thirds of the female population is falling head over heels for us; it's not surprising at all that you two are two of those girls."

Lucy and I scoff, "Who says we were falling for you?" I ask.

"There has to be one of us here you've been drooling over," Louis retorts, smirking evilly at me.

I roll my eyes, pretending to deny it, even though I'm lying.

Yes... I LIED. Yes I know lying's bad and yadda yadda yadda, but there's now way I'd ever admit to any of these boys that I liked one of them.

"We'll get it out of you," Niall says with a smirk.

Oh crapface. That smirk... On that BEAUTIFUL face.

Ah, it's like heaven on a man's body!

.......Yeah, I'm a little awkward like that.

"What do you girls do for fun?" Liam asks, leaving Zayn's side and sitting down next to Niall on the other three-seater couch.

"Anything really. We do pretty much everything we set our minds to," Lucy says with a shrug.

"So then you'd two be happy to play truth or dare?" Louis asks with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, "Oh, please, that's so cliche. In all of the fanfictions I've ever read One Direction almost always plays truth or dare with their new friends, and someone always gets hurt or embarrassed."

He raises his eyebrows, "Fanfiction, huh?"

I blush, "They're good!"

"She writes them too!" Lucy exclaims elbowing playfully me in the side.

"YOU DO!? CAN I READ THEM!?" Louis yells.

I smack Lucy in the arm, "Gee, thanks Lucy. And no Louis, you can't read them."

"Anytime Macy, and don't worry Louis I can email you the links," Lucy says smirking.


"I'M BACK!" Simon's voice calls down the hallway.

I glare at Lucy who smirks, and Simon then walks through the door.

"How's everything going?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe.

"Great! These babysitters are amazing!" Niall exclaims.

"Even though Macy hit me with a pillow," Zayn mutters, glaring at me playfully.

Simon laughs, "Good to know. Now, girls you're free to go home for the night, because I have to talk to the boys about some upcoming stuff, and it'd probably bore you to death, so you're good to go home and get a goodnight sleep so that you can handle these boys tomorrow."

Lucy and I nod, standing up.

"BYEEE!" The boys all screech on different levels; as in Louis was much higher than Harry.

"Bye guys!" Lucy and I wave, heading out the door.

But I only had one thing on my mind.

What did Lucy and I just get ourselves into?

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