Fourteen: Labor Pains

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-Lucy's POV-

"Table for two," Harry says to the hostess, sending a smile her way.

"Right this way." She leads us back to a table, handing us our menus.

I look over Harry's shoulder as he looks over mine; both of us are looking for Pablo.

I notice a familiar brunette... And I see he's walking right towards us.

"He's coming," I whisper, holding my menu over my mouth.

Harry plays it cool, and Pablo walks up, taking out his notepad.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" He asks, not paying us much attention.

Yeah, how about a cup of punch? In the face!?

"Water," I say faking a British accent.

"Same," Harry nods, his voice the same.

Pablo walks off, and I take that as my chance to text Louis who was going to send in the next two.

"Here's your water," Pablo says, setting our glasses down. I take notice of Liam and Zayn walking through the entrance, and I try not to laugh as the realness of the situation is getting to me.

We are legit spying on and about to humiliate a buttface.

"What would you like to eat?" Pablo asks sounding bored.

He won't be so bored for long.

"Uh..." I trail off, looking down at the menu, "The Chicken Parmesan."

"Same," Harry nods, pretending to stretch as he takes a picture of Pablo. He's so obvious. Freakin' idiot.

As Pablo walks away, I roll my eyes, "That was so obvious. What are you going to do with that?"

"I'm being a spy. I take pictures of the victim, and I'm sending them to Louis."

I nod, and I groan as the fake belly thing I have on makes my sides itch, "I WANT THIS THING GONE!" I say, hitting it.

An old lady passing by gives me a look of horror, and she quickly rushes out the door holding her purse close against her side.

"Nice going," Harry says sarcastically.

"I will put you in time out, mister."

He sticks his tongue out at me, and I look over at the door to see Niall and Macy walking in.


-Macy's POV-

"You two should go in," Louis states, looking back at Niall and me.

"Let's do this thing!" Niall exclaims, jumping out of the van.

I follow behind him, my heartbeat going fast.

"Two?" The hostess asks when we walk in.

"Yes mam," Niall says in a country accent making me laugh.

The hostess looks at me confused but doesn't say anything, and she leads Niall and I back to a booth.

I make eye contact with Harry who just sends me a cheeky grin, and Niall and I sit down across from each other.

I see Pablo making his way over, and I prepare myself to act natural.

"What can I get you to drink?" He asks, looking over at us. He scrunches his eyebrows in thought when he looks over at me, "Have we met before?"

I see Niall begin to rapidly text on his phone while I try to say something, "No..."

"I could've sworn I've seen you somewhere. Those eyes look so familiar."

"I don't think we've met," I say looking away, trying to hide my face.

"You kind of look like my-"

"OH MY GOSH! I'M IN LABOR!" A familiar voice yells, making all of our heads snap in that direction.


-Lucy's POV-

"He's going to figure it out!" Harry freaks, showing me the text Niall just sent. Man, is Niall trying to type in some foreign language or something? The text is so confusing.

"What do we do?!" I whisper-shout, looking over at them.

"Pretend you're in labor!"


"Just do it!"

I groan, "Fine." I then yell, "OH MY GOSH! I'M IN LABOR!"

Everyone looks at me in shock, including Pablo, Niall, and Macy.

Harry rushes over, "SHE'S FADING FAST!"

I elbow him in the stomach, "I'm in labor, not dying you idiot."

"Well, sorry." He kneels next to me, taking my hand, "Does anyone know what to do!?"


-Macy's POV-

While Harry and Lucy have the attention of Pablo, I look at Niall who knows it's time to make the move of humiliation on Pablo.

Niall suddenly grins evilly, "Pants him."

"What!?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"Nothing's more embarrassing than your pants dropping to your ankles in front of everyone, now do it."

I stand up behind Pablo who was standing a few feet away watching Harry try to "comfort" Lucy, and I find the courage for two seconds to jerk Pablo's pants to the point that they drop to the floor.

He screams, trying to grab them while everyone was laughing, especially me when I saw he was wearing underwear with neon polka dots that were incredibly girly.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" He yells at me, holding his pants up.

I take off my wig, "I think you know why," I say with a grin.

His face gets even redder, and he runs to the back while Lucy, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam cheer loudly and everyone else sits there confused at what the heck just happened.

I'm just happy we succeeded in our mission.

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