Twenty-Three: Fights

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"Why would you say that!? You know that makes me upset," I hear Lucy say on her phone in the other room.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, what's she upset about?

I get up and walk into the kitchen where she was sitting at the table, and she fumbles with her phone before dropping it onto the table.

"Hi, Macy!" She chirps, smiling.

"Who was on the phone?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No one..."


"It's no one important! I swear!"

"Then why won't you tell me?" I ask, starting to get angry. We never keep anything from each other.

"Because the last time I checked, I don't have to tell you everything!" She says starting to raise her voice.


"I thought we were too, but you obviously don't think so for you to be so fired up about nothing. What happened to trusting me?"

"I don't see why you just couldn't tell me who the heck was on the phone," I snap before storming into the living room.

Lucy and I have rarely fought from all these years we've known each other, and I don't understand why we're fighting now.

But I'm not apologizing until she's apologizing.

Lucy storms by me, and I pretend to be way more interested in the tv in front of me.

A few minutes later, she walks by completely dressed, and I almost ask her where she's going, but she slams the bus door behind her before I get the words out.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the tv.


After about an hour, the boys step onto the bus after they get back from a soundcheck.

"Where's Lucy?" Niall asks me as they all sit around me while I'm in the same spot I was in the lounge.

"Don't know, don't care."

"What?" They all ask in unison.

I roll my eyes once again, "I don't know, and I don't care."

"What's up with you two?" Liam asks, all of them looking taken aback by my attitude.

"We had a fight, and I don't want to talk about it. Now can you excuse me while I go take a nap." I'm really not tired, I just hate these stupid, pointless questions.


-Louis' POV-

"What in the world is this?" Zayn's the first to speak after Macy walks away.

"Are they messing with us?" Harry asks. "They've never fought."

"This has to be a joke," Niall states.

"I hope it's a joke," I say. The girls have always been close and have never fought.

"Well, I'm going to get Lucy. Who's going?" Harry asks, looking at all of us.

"I will," I volunteer. I need to get to the bottom of this.

Harry and I get into one of the cars parked outside of the tour bus. Now that I think about it, I really hope this is one of the cars we're allowed to take and not some random person's car.

The last thing I need is to be a car thief.

"Louis, why don't you call Lucy and see where she's at?" Harry recommends, glancing over at me.

I nod, and I pull out my phone and dial her number.


Oh, so Lucy's grumpy too.

"Hi love, Harry and I are on our way to pick you up. Mind telling us where you are?"

"I'll be back tonight, just leave me alone."

"No can do love, we're already driving. We would hate to drive all the way back to the bus-"

"Louis, it's only like a mile from-" I smack Harry in the mouth with my hand making him shut up.

"So we're coming now. I mean, we can't pollute the air anymore than we have already," I ramble.

I glance over at Harry to see him mouthing something at me.

All I see is 'you're so dead when I get this car parked'.

Man, I'd hate to see what he was saying before.

"Can you not understand that I want to be alone? You're so annoying " Lucy says sighing loudly.

"I get it, but I'm a guy, and all guys know that they don't stop being annoying until they get what they want. Wait, that sounds bad, I mean-"

"Just give me the freakin' phone!" Harry shouts at me, jerking the phone from my grasp.

How rude.

"Lucy, please just tell us where you are. I'll get you one of those king sized chocolate bars."

"That's so not going to work," I whisper, but Harry gives me a look making me close my mouth.

"Ah, okay! Louis and I will be there in a bit."

He hands me my phone while I gape at him. "Where is she!?" I ask.

"The park."

"How did you know she'd tell you if you promised her chocolate?" I ask.

"How'd you not?"



It doesn't take too long before we reach the park, and I instantly spot Lucy sitting on a bench playing on her phone.

"There you are," I say to her when Harry and I walk up.

"Here I am."

"Now, care to explain to us what's going on between you and Macy?" Harry asks, the two of us crossing our arms.

She sighs, "I don't want to talk about it."

"No, no. You're telling us, because we deserve to know."

"Fine. She overheard a phone call and she asked me who it was, and I didn't want to tell her."

"Who was it then?" Harry presses on.

"No one."

Harry and I both give her a look.

She looks down, "I don't feel like saying anything about it right now, okay? I've had a rough day, and I just want to go home."

"Well come on then, we'll take you back," I say motioning for her to get up.

She shakes her head, "No, Louis. I mean my home. Where I grew up."



Drama drama drama. I watched Mean Girls for the first time a couple days ago, and it helped me decide to add some drama to this book >:)

I hope you guys kinda liked this chapter!

If you don't mind, maybe go check out my new Niall Horan fanfiction called "Hidden Angel"?? It's for my bff and it'd mean the world to me if you'd check it out!

Also, if you haven't already, go check out my new babysitting book "5 Seconds of Babysitting"! It's going to be hilarious like this, but with a different plot and with 5SOS.


Byeeee thanks so much for reading!

Love ya <3

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