Entry fourteen: ιт αℓℓ fα∂єѕ...

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The sun is setting and dark comes to take me, I fade away.
I sit here watching them play. It's beautiful, two people together on the sand tossing a ball back and forth over a net.
They interact with kindness and understanding, not competitiveness and hatred.
I lay on this bench table watching them and the colors of the sky that fade. From pink to orange and I think of your smooth and tan skin.
From orange to yellow and I remember the light of your room as we sat there together.
The blue is now setting in as a big blur and I see your walls in which we were having the most fun I've had in I think forever. And this indescribable purple starts to set in on top of everything. It incases it like the blanket you were to me.

Then, the black.
It's swallowing everything in it's path.
And it's all gone. Everything. Vanishes.
You're gone. You're beautiful smile that's as bright as the whites in the sky. Your soft lips as pink as the soft blossoms in the sky. Your tan skin that's a sweet orange tint is stolen from my line of vision. All of you is gone and I'm left all alone. You've left with the sun.
The thing is, you are the sun, you're my sun and you've taken your light with you.

The moon comes out to greet me with its white beams. It solutes me for we share a soul. We spend our darkness alone where no one can really see us for who we are. We see others who are bright but too far to tell if they're huge or small but we can not tell. They keep they're distance for they are also loved ones who have left us. Multiple Suns that have left me and ne'er returned. I hope constantly that you'll come back but I have yet to see if I can escape this darkness... With you...

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