Entry eighty seven

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{5: something am · 6/25/17}
I can't sleep
Im scared
It's been days
I'm sweating
I can't eat
My eyes hurt
And the movies haven't helped
And now again today
With another person who's killed me
Oh my god I need sleep
I need to go into an asylum
I need to be in and induced coma
Sleep forever
Never need to eat cause I'll have tubes
I just
I can't
I'm scared
I'm too scared
I can't
Oh my god I need sleep
I look fine
But still
Oh my god I can't
I would cry but I'm dried out again
I need eater too apparently
I need to take more pills
I need to be fix
I just can't I can't I can't I can't
I'm done
I don't want this
I want to go away
Please leave me alone
Oh my god
I can't cry
I am kinda
Just dry
Oh my god I'm going to die
I want to die
I need to die
But I fucking can't do anything cause of these bullshit promises
No drugs No selfharm No killing myself
Swearing in a matter that no longer abides me to keep them I fucking can't
I've tried I've tried and sat there for hours holding it against my skin but I can't
I can't believe I'm back to where I was before
Might even be worse
Fucking god
I need to get out of my head
My mind
This shit
Oh my god I'm pleading for my lumgs and not heart and brain to just give
Hell I take even some appendicitis
I can't only scratch at myself sometimes I bleed but that's fine I stop there if it happens
I pull at my hair
I hit my self
God my knuckles are gone from the wall
I forget it's concrete
Fuck I can't do this anymore
It's too hard to breathe now
I'm getting sick
Help me

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