Entry fifty four

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I just feel so alone and hopeless
I can't take all this stress
I can't take all these things being thrown on me and all these word pounding on my skull
I can't take all this pressure and pain
I can't take all this drama
I can't take this all
I can't control anything
Everything just makes me want to dig a hole and die
I just want to hide away and never be seen again
I just want to be done with all this
Even my most trusted turn against me
I can't take them too
I can't take all this shit happening
I handle so much
I can't carry so much on my shoulders
I have bad balance
I can't take all this on
I just can't I don't want to do all of this anymore
It's all so tiring
I'm too tired to breathe
I'm too tired to eat
I'm even too tired to sleep
I just
I'm so so so tired and I'm so so sorry
I'm so sorry to everyone
I'm just so confused
I just
I can't
Not alone I can't carry this heavy load and push this truck
But I just
I have one person who can help left
But I don't want to burden them
I bother them enough and they have someone else to worry about
She's more important than me and I'd rather help her personally than myself I love her so I'd rather he be with her as much as possible and help instead of waste time on me
Even though he hurt me so much
He killed me again
Made me cry again
But he's been there so much and knows so much that I can't lose him
He's my big (little) brother and I just can't stay mad at him or away but honestly I really wish I could
I wish I could stay away from everyone and hide
No longer bother
Not be a burden anymore and an annoyance
Im a child
Practically a baby
I make everything worse
I just can't anymore
I'm so tired
And so done
I'm just so so cold
I'm so cold

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