Entry forty eight

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Why are men like this
They come into life and become the biggest thing to you
They become your bestest friend and make you feel safe and happy and can tear down your walls and grab onto you heart and make you spill your guts
This happens and your left helpless and on love and obnoxiously oblivious to it all
They come in and give you love and say you're their everything
How lucky they are to have you and how beautiful you are
How witty and sexy and funny and a great time you are
How they want the rest of lives to be intertwined with your and how they couldn't imagine not being with you because when they're away all they can think of is how much they wish they were with you
How being with you is the best thing ever and want only you and no can compare to you and blah blah blah
They say hey I love you and you love me so let's get engaged
Be my fiancé
And you agree unknowing that it's a meaningless term that you will regret later on
Later on you are to get hitched and you get a place and get a dog and have a kid and then money becomes and issue and he'll walk out
He'll walk out cause you've told him to leave
He got lazy and won't provide or do anything
Won't even provide for his own kid
He'll think that he can be a deadbeat and you can act like his mother
You'll feed him and pay for the food and you'll buy him clothes and pay all the bills and cook and you'll clean and take care of all the kids and you'll kick him out
It'll take multiple tries to get him out because he'll refuse to leave and since you're married it's even harder
Who in their right mind would leave a free house with free food and every other expense is paid for he'll you only are in charge of paying two things and if you don't do it? Your wife will pay it for you!
Great life right?
Well then your man leaves finally and he'll never call
He'll leave like every man does and he will move on because he may have loved you but it's only momentary. They never really do.
They'll leave you with a mess
They use to thinking hitting and pushing and breaking everyone would save him but he was wrong
They'll leave you to fend for yourself and try to put the pieces together but guess what?!
He took your heart and broke it and took all the pieces and you'll never see it again
He'll only add it to his collection and move on and he happy and say everything is so much the better the day right after he's left
That he gets so much work done now because you were just a distraction and that he has more fun and smiles more cause you consumed all his time and attention and that he's a better person and so much happier without you
He's learned new tricks on to lure people in and he's out looking for his next victim
But sex is the big one
He'll fool around first before tying himself down again
He'll fuck everyone and flirt and grab ass and sext and do everything because it doesn't it matter or mean anything
It's fine to fool around everyone has the need to and then he'll have moved on and find someone else and start the cycle again
Nothing every goes right
No one is ever fine
No ever is right for you
It's better to me on your own
Nothing will ever work out
Your all alone in this world and your screwed
Might as well get used to it
Say goodbye to what you thought was love and happiness cause in the end you'll be alone no matter what
Give any situation enough thought to go down the line of time and you'll find yourself alone looking into a mirror

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