Entry one hundread twenty one

7 0 0

I deleted them today
I deleted them after listening to one
The shortest one
The oldest one
And they're off my phone now
I don't want them there
I actually completely forgot but that doesn't matter because I won't listen to them again
They weren't true
They're somewhere in the cloud space
Where my not-tech -savvy ass won't ever find it
Only you can
That's if you ever get access
Which you won't

Get out!
Go away!
Please I beg you go away
I don't want you here
Get out of my recents
My recommended
My suggestions
My phone
My head
My computer
My notes
My social
My group
My friends
My texts
My conversations
Can I go one day without seeing your goddamn face?!
Jesus fucking Christ! Take the the hint:
Go THE FUCK away

Please and Thank you

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