Entry one hundread eighty two

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You broke me three years ago and I didn't know how I wouldn't make it out alive but I did
I found a way
Little did I know that all this time you've helped my by breaking me and giving me all these little tools
Words in poems and songs
Everything really but anonymously
And I hid it from everyone and even myself
You broke me
And didn't fix me
But now with all the shattered pieces I left behind
I'm going back
Picking them up
And using them to fill it all up again
They want a complacent, quiet, timid, weak, shy, little girl
That's not me anymore
Not since you broke me
And recently? Definitely not.
And they hate it
They hate I have a voice
Who I am
What I do
And have done
And what I will do
What I say
How I act
But they hate cause it's not the porcelain doll they want
I'm free and I don't care anymore
Go ahead and yell and try to break and crack me open again
I'll be perfectly fine
I have stainless steal under this porcelain facade

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