Entry one hundread four

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My daisy
My beautiful daisy
You will always be
Oh daisy why
Why lose your petals?
I brought you water and sunlight
Everything you'd love
But daisy
Poor jay
Just wanted to fetch it all to watch you grow
But damned tom
Tom took you
For years and years and years
You were locked up
Hidden from my refreshing water
Hidden from my sunlight
Taking you
Tainting you
My daisy
You were no longer
My daisy grew to be this perfect beautiful idea
And daisy?
You were shriveled and dry and cold
No longer bright and beautiful
Because Tom took you and changed you to be who you were meant to be
I tried to take on the right path
Provide and love my daisy
And jay wasn't enough for you
I wasn't enough to keep you grown and away from the pest and insects and children wishing to take you
Nick didn't help
Myrtle's presence didn't help
Jordan's presences didn't help
Nothing help
Not my glimmering troves
You're not
I'm gone
I'm not your jay
You're precious Tom had me killed
For the damages he caused
Jay G.

{song is @ girls from jay's POV, not how it's written}

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