Entry sixty three

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{11:30 am • 6/7/2017}
I got up to shower and I always put music on as always
Good songs came on
It made me forget
It made me happy
I danced and sung and laughed
It's weird I know I'm sorry
But I forgot
For a moment I forgot
I felt good like I did a while back
I felt sexy
I never have
I wanted to be touched and kissed
Pushed against the shower wall on the cold tile while the hot water fell around me
I wanted someone
But I had no one in particular
I just wanted, I wanted a touch from a man
I pictured all the things I wanted from him and the features my dream man would have
Now don't worry I didn't do anything XD I didn't touch my self
The entirety was dancing in the shower 😅
Just... dirty dancing 💃🏻
... naked
... in the shower
... thinking about being caressed and grabbed and pulled and held up against the wall and kissed and smushed and spanked and bit and licked and sucked and nibbled and squeezed and...
Anyways it was new
That's never happened before
I didn't have anyone in mind
I was having fun
I felt free
But I wish I wasn't
I wish I was someone's to keep
I don't want to be free
I want to belong to someone and be theirs completely in every way
And visa versa
But hey, that's not gonna happen so I've got to get that thought out of my mind.
I want to be touched again
I miss it
I want to be touched everywhere in many ways
And I want to touch someone again
In every way
Lots o thinking to do for me now

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