Entry zero: This is me.

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This is a book full of me.
I guess you could say its like a journal but I never finish those or last more than a week but I'm always on my phone 24/7 so this should actually work out... Hopefully.
Anyways i'll be updating whenever I feel like it, which is from "once or twice a day" to "maybe a few times a week" or maybe even "once a week" to "once a while."

My goal is to not have to write in this anymore. Which would mean I am happy and am done with being in a bad period of my life for now.This will probably never end though so yippee!

I will write when i badly need to let it out and calm down and stuff.
This may also be status updates like:
"I'm having another breakdown... Again... YAY!!!

But probably not many of those.

So yeah.
Here we go.

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