Entry one hundread seventy eight

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I watched a movie that completely fixed me and described us in a way that I was so fucking blind to and I'm so happy now because I want and know I'll get the ending

The things I think I've fucked up 😅
After that night... I want that... every night even if it goes exactly the same every time 🤣
The thing is even after all these years I still regret that we missed the chance in March 2016 where I made an idiotic mistake by not waiting because of my lack of patience and that buttface distracting me with his idiocy
And now I want it, and I know you do too. But goddamn would it be fucked up if we did this. But with what you said, shit I can't help it. But what do I tell her?

Man I'm in deep shit 😅😂
But it's ok
I'll find a way like I always do
I know how it'll end too but I've learned what to and not to do to make it end the specific way I want it to

I also can't stop thinking about you guys fighting. It would be so incredibly sexy. Plus I'm sure he'd win. I'd probably be so worried and get mad but it would so hot and I refused to admit that to myself in the past.
He's always said he wanted to fight you and I didn't think much of it except that it's because he's jumpy and shit and veryyyyy protective of me. But it's cause he sees a threat to himself and me, in you 🤣 honestly it's hilarious that I was so blind.
If it happens, it happens.
And I'll definitely do everything to prevent it and stop it if it occurs even if I get hurt but just the thought
It's got me sweating 😅

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