Entry thirty six: I found things

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I found these in my notes and I don't really remember what they are but yeah

I have no idea what this one is but I like it:
How don't they? I miss you and I kiss you and I always draw your name I've made the goddamn photo album a billion times cause my phone is so messed up but I do it anyways and it takes me forever cause I wanna see you
I try to talk to you as much as possible cause it's as close as I can get to being actually with you in person
Whenever I can ft I try to and I say the cute yet super embarrassing things on my mind cause I love you and I know you like them I was kiss you face and play with your hair and I try to hold your hand and I do so much more and I've come so far for you and I just everything I do is cause I love you and I try to help even is you don't want it or don't think you do
You ask for a favor and I do it to the best I can I just jason I do everything cause of you
You've kept me going for all this time and made me happy and I'm almost a year clean cause of you and I just idk how to show how much I love you even more I tell you so much and I try to drill it in your skull but when we have an argument you don't see it anymore
I wish I could be with you as much as I can and to play with your hair and have you fall asleep next to me every night while I pet you hair and I can pull the blanket up on like I always do so you don't get cold and when you start to shake from nightmares or dreams I pet your arm and your beautiful face and it stop I do anything I can think of for you so don't ever Ever Doubt how much I love you because it's way more than you imagine
I don't even know how much because it's only starting and I've never felt anything like this or heard of anything like the way I feel for you
You're in veins and I'm stuck on you
Don't doubt me ever

And I think this one was a song cause it was labeled song thing?¿? I don't think I finished it and idk what I wrote it about:
A song thing:
Title- You were right
I'm going far. To somewhere new. I'm going somewhere far and, new. Somewhere I can't I find you. Somewhere where I won't even know, where you are -yeah where you are. But baby, don't you dare lay a worry. I'll be coming back soon, just for you. So don't go and stray, too far, because no matter where you are, you'll always. Have. My heart. No matter you lay, I'll always be here, to play. No matter where you lay I'll always be here, to stay. But baby don't you dare go away. Because when I come back home to you, and I don't find you there, I would've always known that you weren't how you seemed, as clear as air. So baby don't you go and stray, too far, because no matter where you are, you'll always. Have. My heart. No matter where you lay, I'll always be here, to play. No matter where you lay I'll always be here, to stay.

I don't know what these are and I was gonna delete them but for some reason I didn't want to so I was like hey why not put it where space is free? And I did so yeah tada guess idk...

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