Entry one hundread eighty seven

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New things I've never heard before:

1)That my tan lines are sexy
How does that even make sense? Aren't all the women on pornos without tan lines? Perfection?
And mine make me sexy? That's hilarious how you say that
But I get the point you made after I boldly asked for an explanation
That "it means that these areas are only for VIP access and I'm the one holding the card"
And god that was insane
It had me weak at the knees and tingling

2)that's I'm soft EVERYWHERE
what? That was even funnier than the last one
That "every divet and crevice are smoother than freshly spun silk"
I've been a huge fan of words from the beginning and yours are of a god's
In a way I haven't heard in so many years
And you share my love for poetry
I've hidden that from so many people because not many people care for it anymore
But we share tastes

Speaking of tastes
3)that I taste good "everywhere"
Why just why
That was so cringey and embarrassing
I couldn't stop laughing
You did so on purpose
You've said it before and made it sexy and the moment better but this?
I couldn't handle it
I lost it
I laughed so hard I fell off and when I hit the floor I even cut myself
You freaked out and it was so cute and endearing but I didn't care because of the laughter and adrenaline
It was great
I'll hold this moment

4)that I'm comfortable in every way everywhere
(What's with the everywhere? This list you made is just full of this word)
Emotionally, physically, and personality-wise
I've heard the physically one from... many people 😅
I'm soft and squishy
The fact you called me squishy like dory said was something else
Multiple people have and still do call me their squishy and a squishy but this was different... it wasn't just a name or adjective
It was... I don't even know how to explain it
But I like how you don't stick to one thing
One pet name
It's refreshing
It's like a game
Emotionally: I'm there for people and you are one of the few that see and believe me
🎶 I'd jump in front of a train for you... guys
And personality-wise... well I don't really understand precisely how you came to that one
You told me your reason but I can't relay it
I wouldn't dare try to copy the perfection you layer out

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