Entry eight nine

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im so confused

everything hurts

nothing make sense yet i understand everything going on in life

i wish that nothing wouldve ever happened and i was just never around anything

i wish i had never met anyone and that wouldve ever ruined or annoyed or made anyone cry

nothing wouldve ever gone wrong because of me

i wouldnt interfere in peoples lives and make them think about me

everyone wold be so happy without me

mom wouldve been happier and better off

same for dad

family wouldnt be stressed and wasting money on me

no step father to ruin things and then no brother to be brought i this dark horrible sad and hard world

no taking my best-girl-friend's years

no stressing out teachers and no friends days being filled with rumors and people messing with or questioning them for why being my friends

no need to waste ex-boyfriends' time and crap shit ideals

no need to complicate peoples time and lives and plans

no need to ruin anyone else at all

just like i do with everything

you wrong my friend

no butterfly effect

happy universe

minus me

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