Entry thirty seven: Happy one year anniversary Jason

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{April 24, 2017 • 12:43am}
One year ago today a beautiful man reentered my life. We met in middle school and since then we just never really lost touch, we'd go a while without talking since I moved after 7th grade and then talk again but it was and on and off again talking thing. Then one day we started talking again and we just never stopped. Then his birthday came around and that's when I finally saw him again and how this amazing boy grew since I last saw him in 7th grade. He grew so tall and more handsome to which I thought was impossible. That moment was one of the biggest moments of my life, I just didn't know it then, but it was what led me to soon fall for this super cute cheese. We've had bumps in the road but I wouldn't trade a single one for anything in the world. 🎶 You light up my world like nobody else, and the way that you make me laugh so easily gets me overwhelmed, and the way you smile at me, it ain't hard to tell that you love me too 🎶 😂 But seriously I never knew I could love someone like this. The way I feel about you cannot be described in any manner. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to be able to share my time with you. I'm so grateful to have your love and I've fallen in love with your family too. You guys are the greatest and most hilarious bunch I've ever met and you all make my day. It feels like we only started dating a few months ago instead of a whole year, but time flies so so fast with you because you make every second with you a blast. You can make me laugh even when I'm mad or sad, and you help me make sense of things when I'm confused, and you make me feel so extremely and utterly happy and love when I need it most. I can't wait to see what other adventures time has in store for us and I can't wait to spend them with you. I love you so very much Jason.

❤️ Love Valery,
- Your Luna 🌙

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