Entry one hundread fifty one

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You know what's the best feeling in the world?
After lips kissing you desperately like you were the last bit of air in the world
Being wrapped in arms taking your clothes
After being pushed down and flipped over
After having your bottom half raised
And after having every undergarment removed
It's when you're completely lost
And soaked
It's when you can't help but squirm and you need to grasp the edge of the bed because you're about to fall off onto the cold tile
After all of this and rubbing and insatiable hunger grows and grows to where you can feel all the heat and every chill that came with every tiny breeze of cold air
I've always been so hyperly sensitive
It's when you held still
And laying on your front and they're sitting on the back of your thighs
Bruises on them like fingerprints
When they grasp your rear and squeeze tight
But my absolute favorite that's drives me crazy is when they don't notice that their thumbs accidentally are so close to where you need it the most to where they're also spreading you there
And it all just spreads
And describe what they see
And what the feeling is that you feel dripping
That's my favorite

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