Entry one hundread nine

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I see it
I see it all don't you worry
I see it and I see the game you're trying to play
You look at me
Follow me
Listen to what I have to say
I see it
Oh you'll like this song
Oh come on it'll be fun we're all going
And that face
That damn face
I see the faces you make at me
And you're playing a game
You're playing a dangerous one at that too
But who says I'm playing?
I know you are cause you said so
Little after we first met you said so
Did I give hints? Make them?
Cause you've done this.... hmmm, what twice? Thrice? Times before.
Where did that get you hmm?
Every five second you look up
Don't think I don't see you
I see all of them who do
And how do I feel about it?
I don't really know
I've noticed before but I didn't care
I ignored them
I ignored them all
The looks
The little words sneaking in between here and there
The faces they make
The shuttle but not so subtle message
The touching
... touching
That's a big word
But it fall in the category I suppose so it must be placed
I've noticed, literally, only a few times before
And now? I finally see it
I see it all
I see the game and it's a good one at that
But it's a guilty game
You're an evil player in so
I know your strategies
I've seen your scores and opponents
Don't think I don't keep tabs on everyone
No no no
I most definitely do
I am the fbi in my own little office in the world
I can find and do and see and be whatever I want and no one would even know I was anywhere near that
No one suspects it
But I'm good
Not even the smartest hacker I know knew the crap I was doing around places
How did you do that bullshit
How'd you know to do so
The tests they gave me? Easy piece of cake I'll find whatever you want even if I don't know what it is cause baby I know my way around the board game I've been through there a couple of times
Don't play me a bad hand
Don't cheat me
Cause hunny the game will be won before you even know it no matter the circumstances
You may think that you won in the end and oooo that's my favorite ending
Take it all
Take your victory and glory and go do whatever the hell you want but get this
I don't stop the game after one round
A good game takes time and preparation
Good games don't end only after a few rounds it's on going
So next time you look at me
Next time you speak to me
Next time you touch me
Next time you make those faces and joke
Next time you play
Be ready if I am because I'm not easy to take down I always stay up
I may chip but don't worry I'll come back
I'll always regenerate back to my former stature and stronger too
And I'll know your game better than your own self
But watch your step
•••• is a battlefield, we stand, no promises no demands.
Keep that in mind baby cause I already know all your cards and what and who you're already playing

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