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"Are you done washing your clothes preesaun?!" Antonia shouted, oh she's our maid, but I treat her like my grandma. She's old enough. Around 50s something.

"Yeah! I'll just need to hang it!" But oh, soon enough it will rain. I just love rain! How it felt on your skin, and also the scent of it.

"But it will start to rain! Soon!" She said as she watched at the sky. It's getting dark. Here in our place, It rains often but, if it will, its heavy-handed.

"Can you please take care of my clothes Antonia?" I begged.

"Of course! Get your ass in your room and start taking a shower! You haven't shower this morning!" She scolded.

"I'll just shower in the rain! By the way where's mom?" I asked as I walk upstairs.

"Business trip. She'll be back at Friday honey! Now go!" She said as she carry my now semi- dry clothes.

"Ok then." I said as I headed towards my room.

I take off my clothes and put it in the laundry basket, and change into my black short shorts, and a white crop top and black slippers.

When Im done changing, I rushed downstairs. I cannot miss the rain! "Antonia! I'll be back later!!" I informed her.

"Just be careful and be sure to come back!" She shouted. "Okay!" Rushing outside, I mumbled to myself— " Ok rain! You can pour yourself as hard as you can!"

And the first droplet of the rain landed on my nose.

Viola! It's raining cats and dog!

Oh and by the way our home was isolated, near the forest. Actually surrounded by the forest.

I jump on the mud, and the mud splatter all over me. But hell I didn't care even a bit! I kept singing, It's raining men as loud as I can.


Letting out a laugh I run further down to the woods. And there it was. A beautiful waterfalls.

"Woah.." Is all I can say. Its breathtakingly beautiful. It looks like a painting though.

The water is crystal clear! It's just amazing! Then the rain abruptly stop. What the hell?

"What the...uhh!" I screamed. Its okay though! I walk to the deck, and I take off my slippers and dive in.

After how many seconds I swim up and wear my slippers and sit on the deck.

And suddenly I heard a low growl.

"Oh. My. God." I stated as I turned around and my eyes widened.

Wild dogs?! But it looks...looks more of a wolf! Oh my gosh! Help me!

I mean there are two of them! My throat starts to dry. They step closer and closer, and they transformed into humans.

Oh my gosh!! They're both naked and men! Ho-how in the hell..?

I quickly turn around! Honestly I didn't see their—oh shut up Preesaun!

"What d-do y-you want?!" I manage to asked but then a sob broke out from my lips.

Help me please!

They hide behind a tree, and it's my opportunity to run but just in a second they both grip my arm.

In just a second!

"Come with us." They both said in stern voice and handcuff me.

"What the hell! What are you going to do with me?! Let go of me you freaks!" I screamed in shocked. I let out a sob.

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