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Oh my gosh! Im so so sorry, that I broke my promise. As what I've said, in the previous chapter, that I'll update every week, I was supposed to Update yesterday, but unfortunately I was busy Studying, because days ago was our exam, so I didn't have the time to write, so please forgive me!

Anyways, let's move on (-,-) so here's your chapter 15 so hope you guys love it. And I am really happy by the reads, so thanks for really reading! And this is unedited. Please watch out for typos, and grammatical errors!

So keep scrolling, and read! 🙏😙😘

Someone's POV

"That is my new school?" I asked pointing the brochure, my mom holding.

"What?" She shot me a confused look and I just shrugged.

"Didn't you heard mom?" I asked, mouth left a little open.

"What about it, then?"

"Well, the thing is. That school, it's full of weres" I said, as I took a bite with my sandwich.

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