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What am I doing here? What is he looking at? Why am I here any way? What happened to my arm? Ugh! So frustrating!

"What am I doing here? I suppose, I should be outside this pack, or so. What happened to me earlier—" I didn't finish my quarries, when he abruptly change into his wolf form, and pin me onto his bed.

"What the heck are you doing?!" I asked startled. He have a very large wolf. Larger than me! It has pitch black fur, and smells like rain or something manly.

"Dont move" He ordered. He starts licking my arm.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked, oh my gosh, what is he doing?!

"Don't ask" he hissed, and get of off me.

He transform back into his human form, gosh his nude! I quickly turn my head on the other side.

"What the heck was wrong with you? You can just tell me that your changing into your human form!" I hissed.

"How are you?" He aksed, and I clearly knew, sincerity filled his voice.

"I-Im fine" I stammered. I shut my eyes close. Embarrassing!

"You should eat" He said, and I look at him. His only wearing a black robe. Still handsome, for my seeing.

My stomach growls.

"Yeah you should" he said, as he sit on his swivel chair.


Im feeling guilty right now really. I mean I shouldn't have blame Cameron for everything! It's that Shelton's fault!

Someone knock on the door, and it reaveal a nice looking girl.

"Here's your food, sir. Enjoy" she said, as she puts the tray at the table and bow.

"Eat" He commanded. I pout. Ugh!

I sit on the chair, and start eating some pancakes. There's no maple syrup? Im kinda obsess, pancakes with maple syrup.

"Do you have any maple syrup?" I asked Cameron, and he look at me.

"No, I hate it. Whip cream?" He said, as he read his news papers.

"I hate whip cream" I said, and shift my weight from left to right.

"Sit here." He said, as he pointed the couch infront of him.

Should I?

I do as what he told me, bringing the foods onto my lap, I start munching my pancakes.

"Do you want some ice cream?" I asked, he nodded. He must love Ice cream.

He pick the strawberry flavor. I smiled at that.

"What?" He asked.

"You know, your this Cold and manly but you like strawberries!" I exclaimed and chuckled.

"Well, I loved strawberries" he said, as he shove spoonful into his mouth.

"Loved cookies and cream!" I said, and ate it.

"I see." He said, as he stare at me. Actually it's not awkward it's just comfortable. Im insane aren't I?

Oh my gosh my heart beating rapidly! Could he hear it? I hope not! It's embarrassing!


I run into the woods. My wolf whimper, not seeing our mate.


And I hate it. Having a royal blood, your more possessive than a normal wolf. More obsessive.

But I can't help it. I can't just ignore her, knowing she's my mate.

And I knew, that Im falling her! Damn it!

'She's now okay, Alpha.'

I didnt respond.

I run to my pack, then to my castle.

You can call me possessive, I dont want her to talk to anyone beside me, this time.


I am staring at the girl that I handcuff. She's not.. She's an enemy..

She's our mate, you dim wit! I shushed my wolf.

She looks at me, and her eyes widened. She knows..

"Let me go!" She said, as she glared at me.

"Feisty" I said, as I smirked. "What's your name?" I then asked, as I sit infront of her.

"I'll tell you, if you just let me go" She said, and glared at me.

She have a nice pair of green eyes, straight strawberry blonde hair, and white pale skin.

I shook my head, "No not gonna happen, babe" I said, and smirk.

"Don't call me babe!" She hissed, and just glared at me.

She's cute, when she's angry.

"You know, If you tell me your name, Im telling you mine. I know your dying to know it" I said, and smirked.

Her mouth left agape, and her eyes widened. I only chuckled at her reaction.

"You Idiot!" She shouted at me.

"Your fiesty of a mate, and I like that" I said, as I kissed her.


I saw Clauck, and the girl, their eyes widened, and I knew that they were mates, so I left them.

'Alpha, is Preesaun alright?' I asked Grei, through mind link, but I didn't get any response.

So, Im all alone! In our circle of friends, me and Blu, doesn't have a mate yet.

And hell I am dying too see my mate! What it feels to have your mate, besides you? Is it like, having butterflies in your stomach? Yucks! I hate that feeling!

Because, when my parents and I went to the amusement park, I was dying to ride on the roller coster, because I like fast.

"Mom please please! Just once!" I pleaded to my mom, and dad. I remember I was pouting that time.

"Alright" they both said, and I hug the both of them.

>>>fast forward>>>

Ugh! I hate the feeling of it! It's like, Im gonna vomit!

Butteflies in your stomach, Is it that feeling? Better ask Clauck, or Preesaun.

I chuckled at my thought, silly.


Its a nice feeling having your mate with you. I don't know if he's cold towards me, or not.

But I'll cherish it.

I came back, and saw Cameron, staring at me. I blush furiously. Damn it!

We stared at each other. My palms starts to sweat. My heart was beating fast. Im trembling in a good way. For Pete's sake! What's happening to me right now?! This instant?!

'Why am I feeling nervous?'

He smirk,

He steps closer...

Inches away from my face.

I gasped when he lean into me just the side of my face, I smell his intoxicating scent and feel his breath on my cheeks,

He whispered...

"Your mine.."


How the heck is it? ;)

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