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*one year later*

"Here you go... Yey! Now such a good boy, sweetie!" I cooed as I kiss Chip's forehead.

He showed me his toothless grin, and I kiss him again.

"Mommy is so proud of you! Look, you finish your food! Now, we have to take take a bath.." I trailed but he started to whine.

"Honey it's just a bath.." I cooed, but he started to cry.

"Don't give me that face sweetie" I told him as I put my hand on my waist and wipe the sweat that's building up on my forehead.

"Love, your being grumpy again" I look at Cameron and gave him a kiss.

"I'm not! Now Chip, let's go take a bath" I said as I carry Chip in my arms.

"Okay, mommy will also take a bath, so it would be us two, okay?" I say and he smiled.

Oh thank god.

"What about me love?" Cameron asked and I can clearly see that smirk of his.

"None for you husband, you called me grumpy" I said and walk away while grinning. That idiot.

I went into our room, and went inside our bathroom.


My eyes widen.

"Yo-you called me mama..." I mumbled and kiss his cheecks.


I smiled.

"I love you, my sweet baby boy.. Now let's get you to bath" I said and start to run the water.


I look at Chip sleeping, snoring a little and I just smile. He's stubborn just like his dad. He's also pick, which is hard for me, but that's okay.


I look at Cameron who's hair is messy, and really really hot. Okay I haven't change. I still see him hot, got jelous over those bitches who's eyeing my man like a hawk yeah still Possessive, even though I'm now Mrs. Stifler.


"Shh.. Chip's sleeping.." I whispered. I feel his hot breath on my neck and I just smile.

"I miss you.."

"Yeah.. I miss you too, a lot.." I whispered as I turn around and sat there looking at his beautiful eyes.

"How's is Chip?" He asked as he take my hand with his and trace it with his.

"He's like you, stubborn" I admitted and chuckled lowly.

"I'm not.." He said as he frown a little.

"C'mon Cam, you know you are.." I chuckled lowly.

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