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"What?" I asked, baffled. Alpha?
"How'd you know? Wait..Is there something that I didn't know?" I asked, this is ridiculous!

Ding dong~

"Im on it" I said, and my brows pull together, as I stride towards the door.

"Honey, I-I can explain" My mom suddenly said, as I open the door for her.


We sat on the couch and my brows furrowed in confusion.

"So what do you wanna explain?" I asked, my voice filled with sarcasm.

"Ok, I've knew Grei, since he was a kid. And, uh.. Antonia, is a rouge, but end up being under the domain of Edward, Which is Grei's Father. Melinda which is Grei's Mother is my bestfriend" she said and pause.
I motioned my hand for her to continue. Im too mad right now.

"This is not my story to tell" my mom said, as she bring her hand bag to her lap. "Its his" she added.


"Oh, Alright." I mumbled, feeling hopeless, to even listen for it.

"Oh and honey, you will probably, stay there, like forever" she said, as she look down.

"What?! No! What about you?! And-and Antonia?!" I shriek, and tears would probably take off by any seconds from now.

"You should honey" She said, and shot me a knowingly look.

I just nodded. She knew..

"Okay" I whisper.

I walk upstairs and go to my room. I bring my favorite sling bag and put my wallet, phone, charger and the most that in needed. I Wear my ring, which was infinite design.

"Be sure to visit!" I demanded, and hug mom tightly, and Antonia.

"Of course!"


I woke up, and feel the heat of the sunlight, hitting direct on my face. I shot up from bed, and turn my phone on.

"Fuck..47%" I muttered to myself. I walk towards my sling bag that I brought last night.

I plug my charger and charge my phone.

I walk towards the bathroom, and start to shower. I apply my vanilla rose scent shampoo on my hair. And scrub my body with my strawberry vanilla scented body wash. After 35 minutes, I go out and pick something to wear.

I pick some white sweat shirt with a maroon stripes horizontally, a maroon plated skirt, and a pair of dockside.

I blow dry my hair and keep it untied. I put some light powder, and light blush on on my face, and a lip balm onto my lips.

I look at my mirror, with a satisfactory smile. Im off to go!

I unplug my charger, noticing it was already full.


"Mom!" I said through phone when she pick up my phone call.

"Yes honey, is there something wrong?" She asked startled.

"What about school?" I asked, School is already starting!

"Im working on it. Talk to you later honey, Im on my work! Bye, Love lots!" She said, as she hang up.

Ugh! Unbelievable!

I rush to Johanna's room, and knock three times.

"Come in.." She said, and open the door, and stand on the doorway.

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