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We stop at a park, and it looks amazing. There are trees, many. And the grass was cleanly cut, and there was a bench and just that.

Wait... I thought there's a surprise?

Cameron stopped the car and turn the engine off. He went out and I also went out.

What are we doing here anyway?

He sat on the bench and look at me. Okay...

I look at him too, and he smiled.


I walk towards him, and he immediately pulled me closer next to him.

He sighed, and run his fingers through his hair.

He's really hot.

"I know I'm hot and all.." He said as he smirked. This jerk!

"But I have to tell you something..." He said as he holds my hands. I just nod.

"The moment I laid my eyes on you, I can't accept the fact that your my mate.." He trailed, and I gave him a glare.

He chuckled.

"But then I can't stop the temptation preesaun.." He mumbles and I literally blush. Like who wouldn't right?!

"And my beast was throwing tantrums at me back then for being a jerk of a mate " he chuckled at that and I just smiled.

"But I realize that my feeling grows for you Preesaun.." He said as he run his fingers through my hair.

"And I'm sorry about last week. I can't help it, being an alpha king is hard you know. I can't resist the temptation marking you.." Then for about a second his eyes turned into gold.

"I chained myself, using wolfsbane-"

"What?!" I blurted. That's poisonous right?!

"Yeah... But still chaining with wolfsbane didn't help my temptation, so yeah" He said and blood start to dance in his cheeks.

Oh my gosh!! He actually blushed! Oh my gosh I can't believe it!

"Quit it." He sais, and I just grin.

"I don't want any guys touching you, and I want- no I need you in my life, so Preesaun..."
He takes something from his pocket and kneel down.

What in the world...

"Would you be my Luna, forever and always?"

A tear slips from my eyes, as a smile began to creep up to my face.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, as I smiled at him.

He stand up and slip the diamond ring into my ring finger. Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm engaged!

"I'm sorry If I'm not that romantic and shit.." He mumbles, and It's really cute!

"That's okay, and I really don't care about it" I said.

He gently lift my chin and claim my lips.


I look at her smiling. She's gorgeous..

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