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My eyes widened at realization. Oh. my. gosh! His scent! That's why! And the feeling!

The tingling sensation, is this the feeling? Gosh!

He gently pull me up, and his touch send tingles into my skin! Goodness!

I look straight into his eyes. Green.

It's mesmerizing.

My heart starts to beat fast. My breathing change, faster than ordinary.

He takes strands of hair away from my face, and grazes my face with his hands.

It sent shivers down my spine. It felt good than the roller coaster feeling!

"Ughm." We directly turn our heads towards Preesaun's and Grei.

Blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Finn this is Johnna, your—" Finn cut him off.



Oh. My. Gosh. Johnna finally found her mate!

Finn drag Johnna outside, and I was about to say something when Cameron shut me off.

"Let them be" he said, and I look at him. How I missed him.

He pull me closer to him, and his lips crash onto mine.


"Where are they?" I asked, turning my head side to side.

"Who?" Cameron asked, as he drink his water.

"Johnna, and Finn?" I asked, cheekily smiled at him.

"Oh they were probably far from here." He said, as he looks at me.

Im warning you..

I shrug my head. She's joking, probably.

I look at him in awe.

"Why?" He asked, and I blushed.

"Uhmm, nothing.." I said casually.

"Something's bothering you. What is it?" He asked, jaw clenching.

"It's.. Ahh..uh... A suprise!" I joke. I know I'm terrible at lying, so I hope he'll believe it.

He just nod his head, but he's doubting.

"I can't tell you because it's a suprise so, yeah..." Why so dumb Preesaun? It's a suprise? Yet you told him? Psh!

He gave me a smirk. What the? What was that smirk about?

"Come here" was he all said, and my heart starts to beat, fast.

"W-why?" I stammered.

"Just come" he said, and I take baby steps towards him. I take one step, and another, but soon he pulled me by my wrist.

I let out a yelp.

My eyes widened.

He let me sits on his lap, which is unbelievably comfortable. I leaned into him, feeling of his warmth against my skin, really cozy.

He wrap his arms around me, and I felt I got lost by the sudden action. Will this be an eternity?

"I love you"

Smile creep up into my face.

"I know. So do I."

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