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I look at Preesaun as she sleeps comfortably under the sheets, naked.

But her eyes slowly opens..

She rub her eyes, and yawn.


Her eyes widened, and her cheeks started to turn into a dark shade of red.

I chuckled.

"Stop staring.." She mumbles. And I think it's very cute. I smoked.

"Well unfortunately love, I can't" I admitted, as I look intently at her eyes.

God, she's beautiful..

She hide underneath the sheets, and I laugh.

"Shut up!"


We went out and oh, everyone is here. Including Blu's mate, Harper? I guess.

Then, Johnna breaks the silence. Well it's always her, who break the silence.

"Oh my gosh.. You've got to be kidding me..."

"What?" Harper asked, and flinches a little.

"Your scent..."

I look at preesaun, and I lean in, closer.

"Are you sore?" I whispered, and smirked. I heard everyone gasps, except for Blu, Finn and Harper.

I just chuckled.

I look at everyone and smirked. Then they look at Preesaun.

Preesaun uncomfortably shift her weight from left to right, and cover her face with her hands.

"Don't give me that look, alright!" Preesaun said, as she shook her arm around mine.


We went to the waterfalls back in my pack.

We sat on the deck, and she lean her head onto my shoulders.

And I know that something was bothering her.

"What is it?" I asked directly.

"Huh?" She asked, and I just gave her a stern look.

"What's bothering you?" I asked again.

"It's just... You know...ugh! Should I tell you this?"

"Of course, your my mate now.." I mumbled.

"It's Meghann.."

"What about her?" I asked as my brows furrowed.

It took a minute, before she answered.

"She said..that I should stay away from you because she owns you..." She mumbled, and I clenched my fist.

"Please don't listen to her Preesaun.." I said, as I cup her cheeks with my hands.

She juat smile and nods.

"Good.." I sighed.

"Why is she like that?" She asked, as she lie on my lap, and watch me curiously.

"I don't know. But what I know is that, she rejected her mate.." I trailed.

"What do you mean rejected? What was that mean?" She asked.

"Meghann rejected his mate, as a mate. It either means you don't want your mate or, you love someone else" I explained.

"What if I'll reject you Cam?" She asked, as she look at me with those challenging eyes.

"Feisty, hmm I like that. But sweetheart you can't because I already marked you"


We're still silent up until now, Gosh! I can't believe it! Finn was right, we made the best decision aren't we?

I grinned.

"That was...shocking.." I mumbled, and they nodded their heads.

But what my attention caught was that, Blu is now dragging Harper, to I don't know where.

When they were out of my sight, I shriek.

"Ok...Johnna, you have to tell me something!" Maisey yelled, as she drags me away from the boys.

"Girls.." I heard clauck said.

"We heard it!"

I heard their chuckles, and I just shrug it off.

"So tell me from the beginning" Maisey demanded, as she sits on the chair.

"So, I met Harper in the resto, she's uhmm, well I saw her with a guy, she's pretty uncomfortable, I can tell. She's working as a waitress their, though I thought she can be a model or something..." I said and thinking what it would be, if she's working as a model.

"Hey! Stop changing the topic girl! So what happened? Is he, somewhat her boyfriend?" Maisey trailed, as she squint her eyes, thinking deeply.

"Definitely not her boyfriend!" I corrected.

"Oh, so go on.."

"Yeah, so I help her, and we became friends and I offer her to stay with me-"

"Oh my gosh! Are you a lesbian?!" She blurted and I burst out laughing

"What?! No! c'mon now, women! Come to your freaking senses!"

"I offered her to stay with me because she don't have a place, for now. So, the next night was, I gave her a ride to the resto, and I told her that I'll be back at exactly 10:00 PM." I said, as I take a breath. Well that was pretty long. I supposed.

"Go on.."

"So I went to the city library, and coincidentally I met Blu, but for him it was unfortunate. That jerk.. Then he offered to drive me back, so I agreed because it's tiring. Then, when we reach the resto, I told him to wait at my car, and he said yes, but I notice, when I came back with harper. They both freeze. And there I knew that Blu finally found her mate!" I exclaimed, and jump.

"Oh my gosh! So what did you do?!"

"Well I pretend that my back hurts, so I need a bigger space which is the back seat. At first Harper protested, but agreed nonetheless, and luckily texted me to help her, so I said stop the car. Blu stop the car, and said that I should use the car. But I protested, but he insisted, well I said yes, so that they would have time together!"

"That's brilliant!"

"I know right! Give me a round of applause! C'mon!" I said, as I well praise myself. Im just proud of what I did!

"Hey J, can I now get my girl?" Clauck asked.

"Well.. She's all yours!" I saw Maisey blush, and hit me.


"So, how was it?" Finn asked me, as I ate what he cooked.

"It was good!" I said, as I gave him a thumbs up. He's really good at cooking.

"Good to hear. So today was surprising I guess" he said, as he take off his apron.

"Yeah it was.." I mumbled, as I devour the carbonara in front of me.

"Wanna go to the new gallery?" Finn asked, as he continuously look at me.

"Should I call it a date?"

"Sure whatever you want, love"

I hope, this will last eternally.


Im sorry for the late update! But anyways, here is your chapter 23! I hope you like it, and I just want to let you know that, your votes and comments really made my day! Anyways thank you!

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