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*one week later*


I shifted my weight snuggle my face closer to my pillow. It's warm against my face and I don't remember having a hard pillow...

I quickly squint my eyes open, but then shut my eyes back because of the brightness.

Damn it..

I heard a chuckle and I quickly sigh out of relief. It's Cameron...

"Hi there.." I mumbled and smile.
Why is he here? Oh right I live with him now... Psh.

"Why are you up already?" I asked as I shot up and yawn.

"I want to say my godf bye" he said as he sighed.


"What for?" I asked. Where is he going?

"I'm leaving for one week" he said as run his fingers through his hair.

"Why? Where are you going?" I asked as I glared at him.

He chuckled.

"Some Business to take care" he said.

"You better be taking care of your business not someone" I grunted.

I scowled at the thought. Then he burst laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I scowled. Tsk.

"Don't worry too much, love." He said as he kiss my forehead.

"Better" I sighd as I smiled. I don't want to loose you, not now. Not never.


"You sure you don't want them to stay?" Cameron asled and I shook my head.

"Just bring beta and your delta with you. I'll be okay by myself" I said as I hug him.

"I love you" he said as he claim my lips.


Oh no! Class!

I quickly fix my bed and went to the CR to take shower. I quickly scrub my body and my hair too with my shampoo.

After a few minutes I pick something to wear. I pick a pair of denim pants, and a loose white shirt. I quickly wear them and blow dry my hair.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and put some light make up on. I quickly put my ankle boots and grab my leather hand bag and my car keys.

I look at the time and shit I'm late! I quickly grab my phone, earphones and everything that I needed.

I run downstairs and saw Antonia and rhe others eating. They quickly stood up and bowed. Ugh!

I just grab som sandwich and strides outside. "Preesaun! Aren't you going to eat?!" Antonia shouted.

"Sandwich! I'm fine!" I quickly got in my car and maneuver it out from the garage.


Should I knock? Or something?


After getting all the courage I finally knock. I turn the knob and the class came into halt.

Oww how embarrassing!

"Uhm. Good morning sir. I can explai—" he cut me off by bowing.

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