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(After Class)

"Im sorry for your lost Ms. Mayhem. Well everything is going to be okay. Im sure your mom was happy about you being this brave and strong" I smiled at Emmanuel.

"I know" I answered, as I took a sip of my tea.

"Emmanuel, I uhh, you know I can't handle the business yet. So I'm thinking that maybe I should hire who would take in charge of the business,  since I'm lacking some knowledge about it" I said, as I play the tip of the glass with my finger.

"That would be great, Ms." He said, and smiled.

"If you know someone who can handle this things, please inform me." I said, as I look at him.

"I could be" he said, and smiled.

"That's good then. I won't need to explain it, since your my mom's right hand" I said, with a satisfied smiled creep up into my face.


"What a long day I had!" I said, as I let myself fall onto the couch.

"How did it go?" Johnna asked, as she crossed her legs.

"Well it's great. Emmanuel would be the in charge of the business"

"That's great then!" She squeal. But I've notice her, with a light make up...

"Where you going?" I asked.


"That. Tell me." I said, pointing her face with my index finger.

"I'm going to the party, at the club, 10 blocks away. Wanna come?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"Nah, I'm busy. Maybe some other time" I said, and smiled at her.

"Well it's up to you. Bye!" I smiled at her and nod. Well I have something to do.


I wash my dishes, and went to the fridge to get some ice cream. But then the doorbell rings.

Who could it be? Maybe it was Johnna. But it's too early to be home.

I grab some ice cream first before striding towards the door.
I open the door, to see no one. Strange.

I look around but I didn't see anyone. Okay, this is creeping me out!

I was about to shut the the door, when a piece of paper stuck underneath the door.

What is this? Letter? For who?

I pick it, and shut the door close.

It's just a plain white paper, folded neatly.

I unfolded it, and glare at it.

I'm warning you, he's mine. So fuck off and get lost.

It was all written on the paper. Anger was now building up inside me.

She had no rights to call him, her! He's mine. Just mine.


I am now driving my way to the school when my phone rings.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hey pree, I think I'm super wasted, gosh!"

"Hey you okay? You sounds terrible.."

"Nah..Im okay. Just saying hi! Bye...!"

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