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Guys this is a request from a friend of mine nottheworkaholiktype this chapter is focusing on Blu and Harper, so I hope you too will like it! Please vote and comment if you'd like to!



"Thank you..."

"Should we go back from when I first saw you?" Blu asked, as he strokes my hair. I felt tingles inside my skin. This is crazy!


"How should I do that?" He asked, as he chuckles.

"Just your reaction when you first saw me. What would it be?" I asked, as I lean towards him. It's great to be with him.

"Hugging you." He said, and I just smile.

For now, I'll forget what he said the last time we met. I'll enjoy this moment for the rest of my life. Maybe this wouldn't repeat again.

"Yeah me too.." I mumbled.

"Would you like to go to the amusement park?" He suddenly asked, and I nod my head.

"You didn't forget.." I said, as I imagine those times when I felt like a shit, we always go together to the amusement park. And spent our night there, playing.

"How should I?" He asked, as I hooked arm around his.


We've reach to the amusement park, and I don't have any idea where we are now. But I didn't mind it.

The place is nice. With all the beautiful lights, and rides. It's perfect.

"So, how should I ride those, with this" I asked, pointing my uniform.

"Come" He lead me to a boutique, which sells dresses and shoes.

"Good evening" the old lady greeted and I smiled at her, warmly.

"Just sit down there Harper" He said as he smiles at me I smiled back.

"Well your boyfriend is really Sweet, darling" the old lady said, and blush.

"He's not my boyfriend granny.. But I wish he is.." I mumbled.

Wait.. Did I just said that out loud!?

"Time will come sweetie" She said, and braid my hair into a loose one.

"Thanks granny"

"Oh here he comes." Granny whispered and smiled at me.

"Go change"

I look at him, handing me some black floral dress and a pair of black laced flats.



The dress fits in me, perfectly, and also the shoes.

"Okay let's go"

"Bye granny. Thanks again"

"So what do you want to ride first?" He asked,

"What time is it?" I asked.

"11:54 pm. Why?" He asked as his brows furrowed.

"Then let's go for the Ferris wheel" I said, as I hold his hands dragging him with me.

"But.." He trailed.

"But what?" I asked as I look at him with worried eyes.

"There's only 6 minutes left" he said as he look away and loosen his hold onto mine.

Then, without any sudden realization, I just hug him.

"Just 1 more hour please. One more hour, then all of this will be over.." I cried as I continue hugging him.

I felt his hand on my back, and rub it in a comforting way.

"Ok. Just one more hour."

"Thank you"


"Just two person occupying inside" the man said, using a megaphone.

"Your tickets ma'am? Thank you..." Then the line got shorter and shorter.

"Your tickets m- Enjoy your ride sir" the man suddenly said, and I look at Blu in confusion.

"We don't even have a ticket. So why did he let us in?" I asked, as I sat across him.

"Because, they know that I can shut this amusement park in seconds if I wanted to." He said, as he locked the door.

It didn't surprise me really. I knew him so well, aren't I?

The ride started, and the view doesn't fails to amazes me, whenever I see one.

"So where are you staying now?" He asked as he looks at me intently.

"Johnna's" I mumbled as I look outside.

It's embarrassing you know. I don't have enough money, and I don't want to ask some moneys from my parents, when I'm the one who did this stuff.

But I never regretted any single of it.

"So why did you just pop like a bubble without even telling me?" I asked as I remember those times when he leaved without telling me.

"This is not the right time I'd tell you, Harper.." He sighed as he look at me.

Harper you have to understand, don't ruin your moment with him! This is your last bonding so, you have to let it go...


Oh my gosh! There are fireworks!

I totally love this! Especially the man in front of me..

I stand up and step closer on the window to see the view, clearly.

But then the ferris wheel suddenly came into a halt.

I lost my balance, and was about to fall.

Oh gosg! Oh gosh!

Then I felt a strong arm wrapping atound my waist, and I open my eyes, of course it's Blu!

"Thanks I guess..." I mumbked as blood rushed into my cheeks  whick I think that I look like a tomato right now! Gosh!

"Your still the clumsy girl I knew.." He chuckled. He actually chuckled!

"I am not clumsy!" I refused.

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

He chuckle again. I missed that chuckle.

Then I woulf like to give myself a big slap on the face. I'm still on Blu's lap!

"Sorry" I quickly get up and sit across him.

"It's fine"

The Ferris wheel slowly going down, and I know that this is over.


"I guess this is over.." I mumbled and look down.

I look up seeing him staring at me. He didn't answer.

Then I don't how it started and who started it, I just felt his lips on mine.


Im in my room, staring at my ceiling and remembering the moments of Harper and I.

I don't know who started it, and how it happened, I just felt her lips on mine. It's soft an-


"He's not my boyfriend..But I wish he is.."

I smiled at that. Im already yours, Harper, if you just know.


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