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Okay... Inhale, exhale...inhale —damn! How can I be not nervous?! It's his parents! His parents!

What if they don't like me?! Oh god...

"Relax love. It's just my parents" Cameron mumbled as he snuggle his face into the crook of my neck. Ok that help me relax a bit. But not completely!

"It's just your parent?! Cameron are you insane? It's your parents alright? What if they don't like me?" I rant.

"Relax love, they'll love you" He said as he kiss the back of my hand.

"What if they don't?" I argue.

"Then it's my choice to decide not theirs" he said and my eyes widened.

"What?! So you wouldn't care if they hate me?!" I asked, he's completely absurd!

"Of course not. And for Pete's sake! They'll like you"


As we reach at their house I instantly froze on my seat.

"Hey.." I look at Caneron who's now worried about me. Wait...what does it mean?

"I promise love, they will love you" he said abd I let out a sigh of relief.

Cameron open the door and went out. I just stare at the door of their house.

Ok I'm freaking out!

Cameron open the door for me and offer a hand, which I gladly take.

I squeeze his hand and he just chuckled.

I know who his mother and father was, but never got the chance to see them in person.

The house is big. It's bigger than I thought. It's a mansion okay. For Pete's sake! I'm dying!

"Love, relax"

I just nod.

Okay here we go.

He put his arms on my waist and start walking, but I just simply can't!

He sighed and turn to face me.

"Okay! Okay... Here we go... Just.." I mumbled as I sighed heavily.

Then as we stop in front of their house, the door open, whivh cause me to shriek.

"Oh my god did I hit you?!" I look at her. Her face looks concern and I wonder why...?

"Yes mom. You did hit her" Cameron stated and I just slap his arm. This guy really!

"Uhm no ma'am —"

"Oh, shush! Call me mom! After all, your my son's mate!"

"And my fiancé" he mutter under his breath and I can't help but blush.

Then I heard her clap her hands. Wait..

"Oh good! I'm having a daughter!" She squeled and I can't help hut plaster a smile on my face. Cameron seem relived.


"So she's the popular Preesaun?" I look around and saw a kid. Aww cute!

But he looks grumpy and cold. But he just looks like Cam!

"Oh Charlie! Honey come! Have a seat!" Mom smiled, and really, she's beautiful.

"So Mom, where's dad?" Cameron asked, and gave a bite on his beef.

"Oh, your father will be here, after few hours... Oh that bastard.." I heard her muttered.
I look at her amused.

"What?" She asked looking so confused.

"You just called your husband a bastard!" I said.

"So?" I look at Charlie, his brows furrowing. I rolled my eyes.

"Your cool" I muttered.

I look at Cameron who is now looking at me staring at me seriously, as if I was a clue or something...

"What?" I asked as I took a bite on my beef.

"No..no, nothing...just eat" he said, still looking serious.

Then suddenly my stomach feel queasy and I strangely want to throw up!

"Excuse me for a minute.." I muttered and quickly take my leave. Thank goodness I know the way to the CR in this floor.

I open tge door, and leave it open because I didn't have time to close it I throw up in the toilet and taking deep breaths after.

Did someone poisoned me?! Oh my gosh! It's probably Meghann, but I don't think so...

"Preesaun, what are you doing?" Startled, I look at Charlie, wide eyes.

He's just so cute! I want to pinch his cheeks all daay!

"Your cute" I stated as I smiled.

He looked at me as if I was some kind of crazy girl who knows nothing.

"Cameron.." He muttered, and I pout at him. Okay, what's wrong with me?

"Yeah? Brother?"

"Your fiancé is acting weird... She throw up just now" Charlie said. Cameron hurried beside me.

"Charles you can leave now" Cameron said and I almost groan. I want him here!

"What's wrong love?" Cameron asked as he take my hand and kiss the back of it.

"She's pregnant! Cam she's pregnant!" My eyes widen at what mom said.

"No..what?" It's hard to process.

"What did you say mom?" Cameron asked as he look at my stomach.

"She's pregnant! I have the sane symptoms as her! Let her check at our personal OB!" Mom squealed and I can't help but to smile.

"I'm having a baby.." I whispered as I rub my tummy in a circular motion.

"We're having a baby Preesaun..." Cameron said as he kiss my lips, I smiled.

"I want the marriage to be held at Sunday! Next week!" Mom said and Cameron just grinned.

"Soon, you'll be Mrs. Stifler, wife..." Blood rush to my cheeks and I can't hide my smile.

"Your blushing..." He whispered and I just hit his arm.

"Stop it..." I hissed.

"Love.." I called.


"I want to eat spare ribs and I want to pinch your brother's cheeks" I said innocently.

"What? You want to pinch Charlie's cheeks?" He asked bemused.

"Yeah... I know it's embarrassing... But I want to do it badly.." I said as I grit my teeth.

He chuckled. "If you say so love.." He saud as he winked at me, I grinned.



"Cameron! I didn't wish for this!" Charlie whined as I still pinching his cheeks. Aww so cute!

"Stay still brother. You don't want to angry a pregnant" Cameron warned and my briws furrowed.

"What? What am I like if I'm angry?" I asked as I ate spoonful of mac and cheese.

"Nothing..." They both groaned. I smiled in satisfaction.

"Honey, I'm going to be fat! I don't like this but I can't stop eating." I said and munch my food.

"Sigh. Mood swings"


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long but hope you like it. Please do watch out for typos and grammatical mistakes, thanks! 😘


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