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I squint my eyes, as the sunlight pass through my window. Ahh, I forgot to shut the window close. That's why it's hot.. Oh well Im sleepy.

I shut my eyes close, but open it as soon as the door open.

"Oh, I didn't mean to.." I look at my mate smiling.

"Hey.." I greeted at him and yawn.

"Hey I brought you food" He said, as he kiss my forehead.

"Thank you.. Your sweet" I said, as I shot up from bed and yawn. "Wait here" I quickly added as I Went inside the bathroom.

I look at the mirror, only to see an ugly face. My hair was a mess.

I wash my face, and brush my teeth.

I go out only seeing Cameron, topless.

He has an amazing body. Those abs...

"Stop staring, I'll melt" He said, and I look up to see his face. He's a Perfection.

I just rolled my eyes at him, and then smile.

I walk towrds him, and he pulled me closer, and let me sit in front of him. I snuggle close to him, and smell his amzing scent.

Gosh, it's so addictive.

"You should eat now" He said, as he kiss my hair. It felt incredible.

"Yes sir!" I said, as he chuckled.

"Who cook this?" I said, munching my pancakes, and cookies. It's delicious!

"Thea, our cook." He said, and strokes my hair.

"I thought it was you" I said, and keep eating my breakfast.

"I can't cook remember?" He said, and chuckled.

"Oh, right.." I said, and look at him.

"You should eat.." I said, and look at him.

"I dont have an appetite" He simply said, and continue Stroking my hair.

I glared at him.

"Don't give me that reason! Eat!" I command him, and he sighed.

I smiled in victory. I won!

"Let me feed you.." I mumbled as I pick the french toast and feed him.

He took a bite, and chew it.

"I know you like french toast.." I muttered, and look at him.

"I'll announce to everyone that your their Luna" he said, as he Plant kisses on my shoulder.

"What should I wear then?" I asked, and close my eyes, it's soothing.

"I brought you a white dress, in your cabinet. Wear it" he said, and kiss me.


"J!" I called out, and she turn around, oh she's with Maisey.

They walk towards me, and hug me.

"Hey Maise!" I greeted. Gosh, she had a beautiful hair!

"So, wanna go shopping with us?" Johnna asked, as she hook her arm into mine.

"Sure!" I agreed.

"So, I have a question to ask." I said. "When is school? Was your school like, all werewolves?" I asked.

"No, actually, we attend in Human's school. All werewolves in here that goes school, were going to go out from here, to human world, sort of. Like me, I had a Condominium, outside. It's where I live, when I'm attending school." She explained, and I nod.

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