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"Your mine.." I stared t him wide eyes. My face flushes red, and my heart beating rapidly.

I couldn't say anything. What the hell! He said, that Im his! What should I react?!

'You want this Preesaun, naming your relationship! You want this, the moment you saw him!'

My subconscious shriek, and I imagine her dancing. Like a victory dance! Oh, for Pete's sake!

I look at his lips..

What's the feeling kissing him? It looks so soft..

Unable to control myself, I kiss him, he seems a little bit shocked, but kiss me back, instead.

My other hand went to his neck, and the other is playing to his hair.

Soft hair!

He deepen the kiss, and his hands went to my waist, and onto the small of my back.

He smirk between our kissing sensation, and we stop when we we're out of breath.

"Your mine also" I said, as I smiled.

"Just so you know, Im possessive, and obsessive" he said, and look straight into my eyes, which sends tingles into my skin. Which extremely felt good.

"We're the same" I told him the thruth, and chuckled.

"Finally.." He mumbled, as he kiss me.

I chuckled at that. Love this moment!


She didn't, kiss me at first but nonetheless kiss me back.

I smile between our kiss.

I pulled back, just to see her face. She pout, at me.

"Your aggressive" I said. She smirks.

"So do you, well...I like that" she said, and kiss me again.


We came back all, some having minor injuries, that's all, and It's good.

"Those who have minor injuries, get them in the Hospital" Blu said, as he help others.

"Yes Beta" others said and bow to him.

"Hey Blu!" I shouted as I chase after him.

He stop and look at me, and gave me a look to continue.

"You know, Clauck found his mate?" I asked, after I drag him where no one is around.

"Shut up. When?" He asked.

"A while ago!" I said as I look around searching for him.

"From Shelton's Pack?" He asked, as I nodded.

"Gotta find that jerk" I said, as I patted his arm.

He nodded, as he smiles.


Just where the hell are you Clauck? I wanna- Preesaun! Oh my gosh! Is she alright now?

I run with my inhuman speed to the castle.

As I reach the Kitchen, I saw Preesaun, drinking some water.

"Hey Preesaun! Are you alright?" I asked, as soon as I reach her for a hug.

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