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"I know your like uhm — famous in this country, or around the world, whatever it is...so please, I don't want any other girl Staring at you like a maniac or something." I said, and I honestly want to smack my head right now, or even hit it on the wall! Gosh!

"So, your jealous again? Aren't you?" He asked, giving me his billion dollar smile. My inside was melting!

"Yes I am, and I don't fuckin care" I said, Did I just said it?! Aloud?! What's up with me today? Blurted things out?

He chuckled, and I glance at my wrist watch. Oh my gosh, Im super duper late!

"Cameron, I'm late, so please — What are you doing?!" I asked, when he lifted me up, like a bride.

"Your stubborn" He said, and I just pout.

We're already infront of the door, in just seconds. That is insane!

"I give up" I muttered, and I knew he heard it.

He just grinned. Tsk.

"Oh right, wait here." He said, and I just nod.

He came back, with his shirt on. That's nice.

"Let's go" I nod, and he held my hand, and entwine it with his. I smiled at the small action.


We were outside, and all the girls, mostly, was really looking at us, at Cameron rather.

"I told you, don't come with me... Look at those girls.." I mumble, and rolled my eyes.

He just chuckle, and tighten his hold onto mine.

We enter in his car, and I relaxed. His scent filled my nose, and it's intoxicating.

While driving, I took a side glances at him. I don't know why I was doing this. Am I desperate? No. Or paranoid? I don't know.

Why do I had this feelings, that any moment, this will not happen again?

Don't be bothered by it!

"Hey are you okay?" I look at Cameron which is currently looking at me.

"Keep your eye on the road!" I said, as my eyes widened.
He rolled his eyes at me, but still bothered.

"Tell me" his eyes were now hard as ice.

"It's oka—"

"Tell. Me. Now." Okay this is a bad idea. Okay calm down, and tell him. No I can't.

"Uhmm.. Im thinking if what will be their reaction, you...me?" I said, hopefully he'll believe it.

"I'm not that stupid to believe at your stupid lies, so what?" He asked, as he park the car on the side road.

"What I've said, is true!" I lied again.

He look at me uncertainly. And just start the engine.



It's already 8:45 AM and I'm doom. Sigh.

"I told you not to worry" I look at Cameron, and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I can't help it though" I whisper and he stop, and I also stop.

"Can this help?" He lean in and kiss me on the lips.


Gosh! Where's Preesaun?! Why did Cameron have to stayed last night?! Oh my gosh... Dont tell me... They did the thing?! Cameron already marked his mate?!

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