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It's been 2 days.. And I really really miss him.. I miss his smile. I miss everything about him..

"I know your thinking about him Pree." I look at J, and sighed.

"Who's him?" Asked Harper, as she ravenously eat her yogurt.

"Her boyfriend" J casually said, and Harper's eyes widened.

"Tell me!" Harper squeal.

I wish you knew..

"Blue knew him. Actually He's our Alpha" J said, and I nodded my head.

"What do you mea—"

Then the door just bang open.

"Preesaun!" Oh. My. Gosh. It's Cameron! I'm dead!

"Your coming with me!" Cameron said, as his eyes were now golden.

He grips my arm, and I wince at pain.

"Grei! Stop it!" J said, as she try to stop Cameron from gripping me.

"Take your hands off of mine Johnna. I'm not taking orders from anyone." Cameron said, sternly.

"Let me go, Cameron" I said, as tears starts to fall.

"Whats happening?" Harper asked, but no one answered her question.

Then in a second, Cameron lift me from the ground.

"Put me down!" I shouted as I try kicking, but it didn't budge him.


We reach at his mansion and I just try escaping from him, but I can't. This is his territory.

"Antonia! Are you there!? Please help me!" I shouted. "Let me go Cameron!"

"What's happening here?" Antonia asked, with apron in her hands.

"Antonia! Help me please!" I pleaded, as I try escaping from his arms, but Im just wasting my energy! It's no use!

"Alpha, please put Preesaun down" Antonia said, as she put her apron down.

"You know, that I don't take orders fron anyone Antonia" Cameron said, as he look at me.

Still golden eyes, it's mesmerizing, yet dangerous..

"But Alpha —"

"You heard me Antonia. Don't make me repeat it again.." He said, with authority in his voice.

"Yes Alpha.." Antonia, as giving me an apologetic look.

Oh c'mon!

"Please Cameron put me down!" I said, as I hit his arm. This isn't right!

We reach inside his toom, and as soon as we enter the room, he immediately locked it.

He flop me down on his bed and looked at me intensely. I look away.

"Look at me" he said, but I didn't listen.

"I said look at me" He said, as he sighed impatiently. I didn't answer, still not looking at him.

"I said look at me!"

I glared at him, as my tears started to fall from my eyes.

He wipe my tears using his thumb but I immediately pull away.

I can see his hurt, by what I did. But I ignore it.

"Stop it Grei" I said, as I glared at him.

"Why are you calling me Grei?" He asked, as he pulled a way, and sat on his couch, and look at me with no emotions registering in his face.

"Because your not my Cameron. Your their Ruthless Alpha, which is Grei" I spit back as I continuously glare at him.

"Preesaun.." He said, as he came closer with worried eyes.

"Don't come near me.." I said, through gritted teeth.

"Preesaun let me—"

"Get out" I said, as tears keep falling from my eyes.

"Get out!"

Then suddenly my phone rings, oh good! (Sarcastic there my friends)

I answer the call and was about to say 'Hello' when Cameron snatch it from me.

"Stay away from her or else I'm going kill you!" Cameron said through the phone and Throw it across the room, with all his strength, and it turn into pieces.

"What the hell Cameron! He's just a friend! What the fuck are you thinki—"

He cut me off by claiming my lips. He pinned me down on the bed. He nibble my lips, and I moan. My hands travels around. I pulled him closer,and moan when he bit my lower lip. His seeking for an entrance, and I gave in. (Juicy juicy)


I stand there dumbfounded. What the hell is happening? I just watch how Johnna stop the guy, or Grei? But what totally shocked me is that, why is it that his eyes were golden?

Then Grei carry Preesaun, and went out.

Then after a minute, another guy enter.

"Finn! We have to stop Grei!" Johnna said, as she was about to get out, when The 'Finn' stop her from doing so.

"Let them solve their problems Love. They're going to work it out together" He said, as he hug Johnna, and Johnna just nod.

My legs are like jellies, so I didn't help myself from falling.

"Harper!" I just sit there trying to figure out what was just happened.


Golden eyes..

Just what in the world are they. Or maybe he's wearing contact lenses..

"Let me explain it Harper.." Johnna said with worried eyes.

Is she hiding something from me?

"I know, you are confused at what happened. But please, just listen to me okay?" Johnna said, and I just nod.

"We're not humans Harper..." She mumbles as she look at me with apologetic expression.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're not humans, because we're werewolves.. Except for Preesaun" She said and I just smiled.

She look at me, confused on why I am smiling.

"It's not your fault for being a werewolf.. And I accept you no matter what you are, because you are my friend..what does friends for? Right?" I said, as I look at her.

"Thank you, for accepting me" she said, as she hugs me.

I flop down on my bed and keep staring on the ceiling.

Help me digest all of this..

Werewolves. They are werewolves. Except for preesaun, but still...

I remove my gaze from the ceiling to the picture on the side table.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, as I graze my hand. "Your my best friend. At least I know what you are. I'm not going to judge you, or got scared.. But I'm going to accept you, no matter what you are. Because I love you Blu.."


Did you at least enjoyed it? Or liked it? Anyways guys, thank you for all the votes! I really appreciated it! And thank you so much for adding it into your reading list! It means a lot! I love you all! 😘😘

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