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I drink my wine, as I continuously look at the picture in my hand.

"You think you have it all? We'll just wait and see.." I mumbled, as I crumpled the picyure, and burn it.

"Just wait and see, Preesaun.."


I don't know, what I did wrong but Blu suddenly drag me with him.

I thought he'll going to forget about me after that night... Although it's hard..very hard for me..

"Blu! What are you doing?" I asked, Not that I don't like it, but I'm confused..

He didn't answer me, but instead-

"Get in the car"

I look at him for a second, and he's giving me the look that indicates, Im-dead-serious-right-now look.

It's his looks that makes me nervous, I mean what did I do? C'mon..

I enter in the car, and he shut the door close for me. Should I say thanks?

After shutting the door lock, He enter the car and started the engine.


I just keep my eyes glued to the road. For the first time... I feel awkward towards him, well after that kiss, I guess...

Oh what am I doing with my life!

He stop the car at the middle off the forest, and it's a little bit eerie feeling.

So...what now?

He went out, and lean on the hood. What's his problem? I just stared at him for a minute, before deciding to follow him.

"Why are you still here Harper?" He asked, as he massage his temple.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. It hurts me. I know he didn't want me besides him, or around him but can't he let it, to be subtle not obvious?

"What are you doing here anyway, I supposed your with your fiancé or husband rather?" He said, and my eyes widened.

How did he know about it?

"See. Now you totally forgot about him" He added, and literally my jaw dropped.

What is he talking about!?

"You know what Blu, I know I'm going to marry with that guy, but seriously I refused to do so, just because of you." My tears are now falling from my eyes.

"On the day on our marriage I didn't said yes, and just ran away. I look for you, but they say you were here, so I went here and continue studying here. But unfortunately I ran out of money so I have to work, refusing to ask for money to anyone. So I ended up working. Yet I'm grateful because of Johnna. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have found you. But I'm afraid I expected wrong"

I said as my tears continuously fall from my eyes. Oh gosh... I actually confessed my feelings for him.

I was about to walk away, when he hold my hands.


"I'm tired Blu... I'm the only one who have feelings for you.." I trailed, and keep my eyes shut. "Not that I'm asking you to have feelings for me... That would be pathetic" I quickly added.

I feel embarrassed so I turn my head away, unable to look at him directly in his eyes.

But then I felt his fingers on my chin, and gently make me look at him.

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