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Week passed by, and we're already moving out from this pack.

"You ready?" J, asked and I just yawn.

"What?" I asked, clearly not the morning person.

"God! Preesaun! Or I should say Luna! Get your ass out of that bed and start showering!" She demanded, and I just groaned at frustation.

"But, I don't want to.." I mumbled, and shift my body from left to right. "I want to snuggle to my pillows, and go to my dream land..." I added, as my eye lids got heavier and heavier.

"Nope! You have to be in the bathroom, and scrub your dirts off! So off you go!" Maisey say, as she push me out of bed.

I manage to stand, but soon enough stumbled.

"What's wrong with you?!" They both hissed, and sit on my fluffy bed..

"Need to sleep.." I mumbled, as I climbed back to the bed, and maisey push me, again.

"Get your ass, in that bathroom! Or else.." They both warned, and I quickly run iside rhe bathroom.


"Can I just visit my mother?" I asked, and they nod.

Im here in our old house, or should I say burned house.

Tear were now building up in my eyes.

Just can't believe she's.. Dead.

"Hey.." I turned around seeing Cameron, in white shirt and blue jeans.

I wipe my tears, and manage a small smile.

"Hi.." I mumbled, as he grazes my cheeks.

"I did avenge your mother.." He suddenly said, and I look at him.

"Who did it?" I asked, my voice filled with anger.

"It was Shelton" he said, as he look away. I look at him, letting him continue.

"He's an Alpha, And I don't know why he did kill your mom, I didn't get any informations, or traces. It's just blank, hanging" he said, and hugged me.

"Where is he?" I sked, as tears continuously flowing.

"He's dead" he muttered, as he clenched his jaw.

"What? How?" I asked, anf look at him, seeing him as deadly as he is now, it sent shivers down into my spine.

"I killed him" he trailed, and I already expected this. He said before, that he kill not just once but thousands.

"He's stubborn, and doesn't give me any answers... And He include you in our conversation, so I stab him. Right on his throat.." He mumbled, and I chuckled.

He's really cute.

He look at me, as if I was some lunatic.

"Nothing..but thanks for avenging my mother.." I said, and smiled at him.

"For you, love"


"Oh gosh! Class will be starting tomorrow! More pain in the head will come!" I said, and we chuckled.

"Yeah I know right. So where are you planning to stay?" Maisey asked, and I just shrug.

"I don't know.." I mumbled, as I sighed. Really, pain in the head.

"You can just stay here, you know." Johnna said, while grabbing her bags.

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