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I can't believe this! Today is Preesaun's wedding!

I look around, and saw Johnna waving.

"Hey! You look beautiful girl!"

"Why thank you! I bet Preesaun would be way more beautiful" I laughed.

"What can I say? It's her wedding!" She shrieked as she hugged me.

"Can't believe it either?" I asked as I waited for Preesaun's appearance.

"Of course. It seems like we've only met yesterday" she answered with a smile.

"I'm happy for her!"

"Hey ladies!" I look and saw Maisey, she's beautiful. Her hair really!

"Oh my gosh! I didn't see you! For like what? Days? And Clauck as well! Where did you both go?" Johnna asked as we hugged her.

"Well..." She trailed and raise her hand. It's a ring!

"Oh my—really?!"

"Yes! We're engaged, And I'm two months pregnant" she whispered. And our eyes widened.

"Really! Oh my god! Preesaun's a year older!"

"I've heard!"

"I'm looking forward to their child." Maisey said with a sigh. A Happy one.

"Hey would their child be a werewolf?" I asked baffled. Of course Grei is an alpha..

"Yes of course. I think it would be 100% werewolf. What can I say? Grei's an alpha" Johnna said with a shrugged, Maisey nodded in agreement.

"Hey..." I feel his arms wrapped around my waist. It made me smile. I missed him..

"You look beautiful..." He mutttered as he burried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Your not bad yourself..."

"Why does every girl says that when they were conplimented?" He asked as he look at me.

I just grinned.

I'm happy for everyone. I'm happy that Blu is back, for Preesaun and Cameron, for Johnna and Fin... I'm really happy.


Oh my god. Today is my wedding? Today is my wedding! Crap! Not that I don't like it! Of course I love using Stifler as my surname! And I love him..

I just watch myself at the mirror, and rub my stomach when the door suddenly creeked open.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked Cameron who's staring intently at me.

I quickly turn around.

I heard him lock the door and steps closer.

"I shouldn't suppose to see you before the wedding starts! It could be bad!" I said as I closed my eyes.

"Those we're just rumors... You believe those? He said as he wrap his arms around my waist.

"Of course! It could lead an unfortunate life..."

He chuckled before saying—
"Well... Sadly I don't believe those rumors. So—"

"Preesaun dear— what are you doing Cameron?! Your not allowed —just please get out?" Mother rant and I laughed.


"Get. Out. okay? I know it's hard for you, but for Preesaun as well! And you need to get out! Now!" Mom plead as she guide Cameron out.

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