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"Why are you crying Preesaun?" I look up to see J with Finn.

"I don't know, it's just.. I don't have my period, but why does it hurt!" She look at Finn and Finn just nod.

"See you later babe, Preensaun" I just nod, but whined.

"You see Preesaun... I think your uhmm in heat..." She trailed and I look at her, puzzled.

"What do you mean heat? What was that even mean?" I cried as I cluth my hand onto my stomach.

"Uhh.. Desire for something..." She said, as she look at me, uncertainty filled her face.

"Desire for what?" I asked, I roll onto my bed, to lessen the pain that I felt, but it didn't.


"Just said the damn thing!" I blurted as I curl into a ball. Gosh! It hurt sooo badly!

"Sexual Desire!" She said, thrn covered her mouth.

"What?!" I asked, sexua- how?!

"What are you talking about! Desire for- ugh! What do you mean? Exactly!" I blurted.

"It happened, to the females. When they are mated to the Alpha king, so yeah. Wolves need to mark their mates, but alphas need to, you know, sooo yeah. You need to do it.."

Oh my gosh.

"Are you freaking serious? Because Im really am serious righ now!" I shouted, and cried.

"Yes I am dead serious right now!" She said, as she look at me.
"Is Finn an Alpha king?" I asked.

"Yes..." She trailed, and I look at her wide eyes.

"So you did the thing...?" I said, as I hold my breath.

"Do I have to answer this question of yours?" She asked.

"So you did! Oh my gosh! Oww.. So you gave your V-card to him?" I whispered, but I'm pretty much sure that Finn heard it.

"Ok, Preesaun stop. Yes I did. So let's move on!" She said, like it's nothing.

"Move on?! How can I move on, knowing you lost yo-"

"Ok! Just shut up! It's the only way! So-"

"We're so young to do that!"

"Yeah I know. But it hurts, badly. Right?"

I just stared at the ceiling. I can't..

"Just make your decision. Grei, is suffering too.." She whispered as she kiss my forehead, then went out.

Cameron? Suffering? From what?


"Ive got cookies for you Pree!" I shouted as I entered their condominium.


Where is she?

"Oww! It hurts.."

I use my run towards Preesaun's room, and quickly open it.

I see her lying on her bed, wigh her sweatpants while clutching her hands on her stomach.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked as I went towards her and put the basket on the ground.

"Oh hi Maise...oww..it's just that my stomach hurts.. Johnna said, it's heat? I don't know-"

"Your in heat?!" I gasped as my eyes widened.

She just nod.

"It hurts than a period would"

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