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"Alpha, about Elina..." Blu said, he paused "She's dead." He continued. (By the way Elina, was Preezaun's Mom (╯3╰))

I was shocked for a moment, but quickly recover.

My nose flared, knowing my mate would cry again.

"Who did this?" I asked. All I can see was red. I wanted to see blood.

"Shelton's Pack"

"We'll attack tonight, prepare for war" was all I said, and drink my whisky.


How do I tell her? Ugh! This is bullshit!

'Johnna I need your help'


"Hey Grei! What's sup?" She greets. This girl.. Sigh.

"The thing is, uhh how do I say this?" I mumbled.

"What?" She asked as she look at me, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"She's dead" I grunted, and shut my eyes close.

"Who's dead? Whar are you talking about!" She asked, as she chuckled, I look straight into her eyes.

"Preesaun's Mom was dead" I said, and sigh.

"What?!" She shrieked. "Who did it?!" She asked, I could see the worry in her eyes.

"Shelton's" I said, as I drink my whisky.

"So, how do we, no, how do you say this to her, that her mom was dead?" She asked.

"I don't know.."

"Well, Tell her yourself before she'll knew it from someone else" she said, as she patted me.

"Stop it" I hissed.

"Gotta go, Grei.." She mumbled.



Shit my wolf hissed. Ugh!

I run my fingers through my hair. This frustrating! Harder than I thought it would be.


Oh my gosh! I can't believe that I felt jealous towards Johnna! How can I be so sure that I like him. What is this like–like at first sight? Psh.

School...what about school....mom!

Before I could even call my mom, the door burst open, revealing Cameron. My heart flutter at the sight of him. Could he hear it? Oh my gosh! He could hear it right?! How embarrassing!

"How should I say this..."

"What? I asked, I didn't quite hear what he says.

"I needed to talk to you, personally" he said, as he looks at me. I froze at my position. Here he goes again, being cold towards me.

"What is it then?"

"Your mother...is dead"

I look at him, and chuckled.

"What? Psh! My mom's not dead, I just called her a while ago! Well, she can't be..."

"She's been attacked by Sheldon's" he all said, and I nearly fall onto my knees but he quickly catch me.

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