Day 1

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I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Kat, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm not very popular. Yes, people don't avoid me during school, but they don't seek me out to talk to me. I'm heteroromantic asexual, which means that I'm not sexually attracted to anyone, but I'm romantically (want to be closer) to boys. Lots of my friends describe me as nice, caring, fabulous, funny, and witty. And probably a bunch of other things. I'm a Taekwondo instructor, and a third degree black belt. I am apart of drama club, and have done two plays and two musicals in high school.

I have five amazing best/close friends, all of them having their own struggles and problems. That doesn't mean that they're weak, it means they're human, and that's why I love them.

For the sake of anonymity, I won't be calling them by their real names, but code names. One of my friends has blonde hair, green eyes, and is smart, beautiful and sassy. She's bisexual and I'll be referring to her as Ashley. She's one of the sweetest girls you could know because she's always putting others before her. She also is fighting against depression and anxiety, but I'm proud of her for fighting. She has so many different talents and passions, from debate to acting, and she likes to sing and help others. She is so strong yet gentle, I don't know what my life would be without her.

Another one is so lovable, kind and weird (in a good way obviously). She makes me smile and jokes with me in anyway she can. I'll call her Dani. She is always at her locker after school later than anyone else, and I wait for her so we can joke on our way out of school. She makes my day every time we walk out together.

My third friend is sassy, playful, and sometimes makes dirty jokes, but I never mind. She has dark skin, and she always seems so confident, almost always having her brown hair done in a fancy way. She makes me laugh and she loves to sing and is on the track team. I always tease her that I can run faster than her, even though I'm not on the track team. I'll refer to her as Mara.

Since I just decided to start writing this today, I have a couple of my friends who haven't given me their code names yet, so I'll introduce them later. So far today, I've spent many hours at my Taekwondo school, and we had a day where students from the school could pie the instructors and stuff (we called it Pie Your Instructors in the Face Day) for a fundraiser. Needless to say I had to take a shower when I left. After that, I started worrying about if this guy that I told I had a crush on through text had seen it yet. Sadly, he hasn't responded, so I'm kind of writing this to stop thinking about him. This week starts my finals, and I've barely started studying. I have Monday to study more for the rest of my Spanish final, which I have three days for because my teacher broke it up. Lucky me.

Anyways, sleep would probably be good for me. It'll take my mind off of everything, finals and the guy I'm crushing on (I'll tell you guys about him later). Goodnight people!

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