Week 16 (Unedited)

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09/11/16Fifteen years ago today, 9/11 happened. Thousands of people died. Let us remember them today. On  a more positive note, I redyed my hair. I have to every month, and it  was a little late this month because I was waiting for the director to  see if he wanted me to dye my hair back to blonde. Since he didn't, I  redyed my hair. I  finished my homework up today, and I watched a movie with my dad. It  was fun to spend time with him. I wish I could more often but there's  life and school so it's hard to. Well, I'm going to bed, I have school tomorrow, so I have to bed ready for that. Good night!09/12/16Hey  people! School was pretty fun today, and in creative writing we had a  fire drill. It was weird, especially since we had one two weeks ago. It  was probably nothing serious. Anyways, after school I hung with Ashley,  wish was cool. I'm  really excited for this weekend, it's Oktoberfest. There's a fest a few  blocks away from my house, and Ashley and Mara as planning to come  over. I really hope it works out, because I really don't want to go  alone. There are probably going to be people from my old school, and  they weren't all exactly my friends. As long as Ashley and Mara are  there I'll have fun. Well, I have school to go to tomorrow,  but I have a late start so I won't need to leave as early. But I might  anyways. Well, good night!09/13/16Hey  people! I had a lot of homework, so I'm pretty tired,Mao this will be  short. Taekwondo was extra fun because I got my new weapons, and THEY  ARE AMAZING. I love them so much I was smiling the whole time after I  got them. Well, that was my favorite part of today, so I guess that's it  today. Night!
09/14/16Hey  people! We're half way through the week, and I'm feeling pretty good. I  don't really have much to say, I'm excited for Oktoberfest, that's about  it. Night people.
09/15/16Hey  people! I had a pretty good day. Ashley wasn't at school, but she said  she would be okay to go to school tomorrow. All of my classes were  pretty good, and in creative writing I promised to bring cookies for  desert Friday. Everyone seems pretty excited. Taekwondo was fun too,  Team Red was there, and the whole class was fun as usual. There were  lots of people, and our instructor mentioned how she was going to change  the schedule so that recommended black belts and first degrees had  their own class, and second and third degrees having a different class. I  think it's exciting because it means we have lots of black belts which  is a really cool feeling. I'm  excited for Oktoberfest, but actually nervous if any of my friends are  actually going because Mara said she needed to focus on her homework and  studies. I completely understand, and I agree that it's more important,  but it seems that the same thing that happens almost every time I plan  anything, everyone cancels and I'm left to myself. Alone. I don't think  I'll even want to go to Oktoberfest if I don't have anyone with me. But I  mean if Ashley really doesn't want to go, it wouldn't be fun to make  her. I guess instead I'll just go to a poetry reading for creative  writing. Well, that's it for today, hopefully by tomorrow I'll know what I'm doing Saturday. Good night people!09/16/16Hey  people! I had a pretty good Friday, my cookie for creative writing were  appreciated. Also, I think I did well the on the tests and quizzes I  took today. I'm also excited because tomorrow is Oktoberfest and I'm  going with Ashley so it'll be fun even though I don't know what exactly  to expect. All I know is it will be fine, because it's close to my house  so if it isn't good we can just hang out at my house or something.  Well, that's all for today, I can't wait to tell you people about  tomorrow! Good night people!
09/17/16Hey people! I had a great day with Ashley at Oktoberfest. There were so many rides and games, and it was just amazing. At  the beginning we just looked at shops, and we had lunch, then we went  back to my house for a bit. Then we went back and looked at the shops  that showed up when we were gone, which was fun. Ashley bought more  stuff than I did, and well I bought nothing, so yeah. We played a game  and we both got plush dolphins. We  went on two rides, and the second one twice because it was AWESOME. I  loved it so much, even though we got home a little late. I'm glad I  went, and I hope I'll do more stuff like this with my friends. I hope  so. Anyways, I'm super tired from walking around and everything so I'm going to bed, night people!

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