Week 33 (Unedited)

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01/08/17Hey people! Today was a pretty boring day, but  also relaxing. I played Pokémon, I studied for finals, and when my  parents' friends came over I also got presents. The presents were a  carved dolphin with a little storage compartment inside, a $15 amazon  gift card, and a Bluetooth connected handset that can charge my  cellphone while I use a different phone for calls. I liked all of my  gifts because all of them were cool and useful. I  haven't done much else today and I don't think I will be doing anything  else today. My dad told me when he came back from driving that he needs  to look for a new job. He doesn't know in what though. I think the long  hours are getting to him for driving and I understand that. I'm just  scared about what he'll be able to find that will be enough to stably  keep our family afloat. I don't know what's going to happen. I know that  I'll keep going to Fenwick, but beyond that I have no clue what else  will happen. I'm going to try and not think about it until it actually  gets bad. I just hope my dad is okay. And that he's okay with whatever  his new job will be. Now that I'm done being worried, I think  I'll go to sleep at my usual time. I don't think there will be anything  else to report on tonight so goodnight people!01/09/17Hey  people! Today I had regular classes, which I had two tests and then the  rest were review sessions. I had to say goodbye to people in creative  writing, but I am going to take the second class of that next year. I'm  going to miss it though. People in my class said it was too much work or  that they didn't want to put in the effort. If they didn't want to  write then they shouldn't have taken a creative writing class. That's  their own fault and it pisses me off that they were mad that they  actually had to do work. Anyways, today was pretty easy. I  just have to study for my Spanish final for tomorrow. I should probably  get a good night's sleep, so goodnight people!01/10/17Hey  people! Today was my first final. I don't think it was too bad but I  won't know until I see what I got. After the test I met up with Mara and  Skylar. Mara had to go, but Skylar and I went to get some food. I got  fries, Sprite and later ice cream. She got ice cream too. I know it's  winter but I still like ice cream. Today was warmer too so it's not as  bad. I talked with Skylar for a while while we ate. It was really nice  to get to talk with her and to hang out. I  went home and watched a movie with my dad and then I went to Taekwondo.  Clumsy was thee and so was a kid that hadn't been at the Taekwondo in  two years. I'll call him Rick. Rick was very shocked about my hair, and  also that I was able to drive. Clumsy and I worked on the for, Team Red  and I have to make so I feel more confident about it. I got to leave a  bit earlier because I was the only one there for adult class. Once  I got home I studied for my English which is tomorrow. I also have an  extra credit practice final for APES tomorrow after all the finals are  over. I hope I do well on it, but I'll study in between the my English  final and that one anyway. I need to be well rested for my finals tomorrow so I'm going to bed. Goodnight people!01/11/17Hey  people! I had my English final today and I think it went well. I at  least know that I did well on the multiple choice. I don't think I did  badly on the written response, but I'm not sure if I gave her what she  was looking for. Either way I'm sure I'll do well. Or I'll do well  enough. Or I hope so at least. After  that final I met with my friend. We went out to eat since we had an  APES EC practice final to take later. I love talking to her so much. She  always seems so happy and can make everything seem okay. She's a senior  this year so I don't know what I'm going to do next year without her.  Or any of my senior friends. I'm going to miss them. Laughing with them,  talking with them, and just being around them. It makes me sad to think  about it, but the year now is halfway over so my time with them is  going to fly by like it already has. The  practice final was kind of hard, but I'm glad it's just a practice  final. But now I know I actually need to study for my APES final  instead. I looked over my notes when I got home and my US History bites  since I have that final tomorrow too. After dinner I redyed  my hair black. Then I played Pokémon and watched anime with my dad. It  was a good end to the day. I have to get up earlier for tomorrow's  finals so I should go to bed. Good night people!01/12/17Hey  people! I woke up earlier than I had to my other final days because my  APES final is in the morning. Before my final I saw Splash and I got to  talk to her for awhile. She had a physics final that she was worried  about. I bet she did fine. Soon we both had to go to our finals. I think  I did well on it, or at least better than I did on the practice. It  looked exactly like the practice final so I had some sort of advantage  plus the extra credit I got. There was also a free response question  that threw me off at first but eventually I understood what it was  asking. I even left early from my final. Then  I had my US History final. It didn't seem too challenging. It was  mostly on the constitution and since I learned all of that in 7th grade I  knew most of it anyways. I think I did well on it, but I won't find out  until the scores are posted. I left early from this one too and headed  home.Once  I got home my parents and I took down the tree. Or well most of it.  Right now the tree itself is still up. My mom and I took off all the  decorations while my dad took off the angel on top and the door  decorations. He's supposed to take down the tree but he's been playing  video games instead. It's not like we need it down right this second so  it'll be fine. It  hasn't quite hit me that I'm done with finals. Finals barely hit me. I  feel like I'm just kind of out of it this week. It doesn't quite feel  real. I know it is and I still studied, but it doesn't feel very  stressful this time. I don't feel overconfident or anything, but it feel  distant instead of hard cold reality. I know that doesn't make sense  but that's how I feel right now. I just hope it didn't mess up my finals  since I didn't feel an urgency. Other than when I was taking the finals  themselves. I know finals are hectic but I've felt disconnected from my  friends too. Other than Skylar and the friend I ate lunch with  yesterday I haven't felt... I don't know, I guess I just didn't feel  needed. I know all my friends are just busy with finals and studying but  it doesn't feel like that's it. It feels more like either I'm being  discluded or that I'm discluding myself from everyone. I don't know  what's going on with me right now. It's probably just in my head. Anyways, I'll update you people on the rest of my day later! -----------------I  went to Taekwondo today which was fun, or for most of it. Near the end  when Team Red and I were practicing our demo form and we started having  to change it (which I didn't mind exactly but I wasn't sure if I would  remember the changes) Team Red did something goofy and I don't know why  but I started laughing. But then I curled up into a ball and started  crying. I felt like I couldn't do anything. Like I couldn't keep being  happy or being able to do everything in my life. I don't know what's  going on. All I do know is that I sat like that for the rest of class.  Until we taught Team Red the hype song. I don't know why but I knew that  I had to act happy and for the most part it did make me happy.On  the way home I almost started crying about three times. I don't even  remember for what, maybe because I started feeling disconnected again.  Honestly I still do now. Once I got home I played Rock Band with my  parents which was fun, and I was happy that we stayed with songs I've  heard until the end. It made me tired, but I'm not sure if it made me  feel better. After watching a couple episodes of one of my  favorite shows, I think it's time to go to bed. I know that I don't have  to get up early tomorrow, but I also want to sleep. Goodnight people!01/13/17Hey  people! Today was nice ad relaxing or it was for the most part. I  didn't have finals so I didn't have to stress today. Most of my friends  finished up their finals today too. In  the evening I had testing. Before testing my mom and I went out to eat  as I always do before testing. It was nice to just get some food with my  mom, but there were kids behind us being rude. I don't know if they  were talking about me or somebody else but they were calling someone  ugly. It really pissed me off but I wasn't going to say anything because  they just don't know much better. But I hope that they figure out that  calling people ugly is rude and doesn't get anyone anywhere except  possibly killed. I know it's extreme but when you hear and know about  people who were bullied having suicidal thoughts, it's no longer fun and  games.  I never call people ugly. Everyone is beautiful. Everyone has  different definitions of beauty, so someone will find them beautiful. Or  maybe their personality is beautiful. Anyways at testing I  had fun for the most part. Two people got their black belts today so it  was pretty exciting. I did bruise my shin bad enough that walking hurt  though. I already bruised it yesterday, it just got hit again today when  I was sparring. It's not broken (or not that I am aware of) and I got  home fine, but it hurt a lot. After sparring I still held boards and  stayed enthusiastic. It was after that I had to stop walking. I started  crying because it hurt so bad. I got an ice pack and the little sister  of one of the boys who got their black belts offered to get me a cupcake  to make me feel better. Just having that offer made me feel better. I  ate the cupcake, and managed to get my mom and I home. Once I got home  I've been using an ice pack to numb it and get the swelling down. It  still hurts, but I have a STEM workshop at my scholarship's building and  have to wake up early to get there. Plus I'm tired. Goodnight people!01/14/17Hey  people! Today was nice except that I had to wake up early for my STEM  workshop at my scholarship. I didn't know what to expect exactly except  that it was interactive so I would actually be doing stuff. I took a bus  and a train to get there. I got there early and just kinda hung out a  bit. I didn't really recognize anyone. The STEM workshop focused mostly  on the engineering part. We were put in groups and told that we would  work together on challenges. There were three challenges, one was bio  medical engineering  the challenge was making a prosthetic hand  (obviously very simplified), one was about electric engineering more  specifically ohm's law, and the last one was structural engineering  where we had to make the tallest tower possible with marshmallows and  toothpicks. We won the last challenge and even beat the engineers who  were leading the workshop. Every person who won got a prepaid card with  $25 on it. I was very surprised that I actually got money for going to a  free workshop. I  took the train and bus home but took a stop to get a slushie. Someone  outside was asking for money so I gave them some of my change. They said  that God would bless me for giving her that money. I don't know if she  was serious or not but it doesn't really matter now. I just hope that  she didn't use it on drugs or alcohol. If she was faking it I bet she  was happy to get money. Either way I had $25 more than I expected to  have. That was good enough for me. I  didn't do much for the rest of the day, just reading stories on  wattpad. I talked to my friends for a bit but nothing very major  happened. Even though I feel somewhat better I still feel kinda distant  from them. But at least now I know that it's just in my head. I don't  feel as disconnected now. Maybe the feeling will go away. I  don't have anything to do tomorrow, but I might go to a mall to redeem  one of my gift card that I got for Christmas. I don't know though since  my car might decide not to start once I want to leave. I'm feeling  pretty tired so I think I'll go to bed. Night people!

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