Week 21 (Unedited)

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10/16/16Hey people! I did a bunch of my homework today,  and I finished most of it before I went to my board breakathon at  Taekwondo. It was three hours long, and it was a lot of fun. I hope we  raised a lot of money for the organization we were trying to donate to.  The event was in dedication of my instructor's instructor, who had died a  few weeks ago. My instructor knew that that would be what her  instructor would want, instead of those who knew her moping around. It  was very fun, and lots of boards were broken. After  that I went to practice for the play. We were going through the first  half of the play, so I didn't have to do much. I finished my homework  during practice. I also went with one of the sophomores out to get food  since we were both hungry. It was pretty fun, except we almost got  locked out of the school. Well, practice was good, and now I'm tired so I'll go to bed. Night!10/17/16Hey  people! I had a good day at school, I didn't have too much homework and  stuff, and I was very excited during practice. Want to know why?  BECAUSE I GOT AN A ON MY APES TEST!! And, I didn't even study for it. I  was really shocked that I got an A ON it honestly. It immediately  boosted my mood. Practice  itself was a little stressful, but I know I'll feel and do better  Wednesday. Ashley also started writing this story set twenty years in  the future, and I absolutely love the idea. I'm in the story too, and  even though she hasn't written this part yet, there's someone that  character me hates and I already hate them even though he hasn't been  written yet. I know it doesn't make sense but I think it's pretty  funny. I'm so excited because on Wednesday were taking the  PSAT, so we don't have regular classes, and get out early. Well, I have  lots to do tomorrow, and feel pretty tired, so I'll be going to bed.  Good night people!10/18/16Hey  people! I had fun today in my classes, especially APES. We went into a  nearby town to finish a lab that we were doing, so our teacher took a  bus and drove us down there. Since our groups were on all different  blocks, he drove around and picked up people as they finished the lab.  My group was one of the first to finish. As the second period was  getting close to being over, we couldn't find one of the lab groups  because they kept moving which block they were on. It was pretty funny,  especially because I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to take the bus  during school and leave school without getting stuff signed, even though  it wasn't even very far. Well, after that I took a Spanish test, and I  think I did well on it, but in that class I never really know for sure. After  school, the poetry club took pictures for the year book, and I helped  one of the people, who is also in drama, because she took off her  glasses and couldn't see. I think I'll call her Angelica. She's so  awesome and understanding and caring and I love her so much. She's a  senior, so this is the last year I'll see her in the halls with me. Even  thinking about it makes me feel sad. Last year, she's the one who I  feel like brought my true self out and showed me that I didn't have to  be proper or anything like that, or more like it wasn't wrong to be  sexual sometimes, even if you're just kidding. She's one of the only  people I trust to show my poetry to because I know that she won't judge  it she'll just respond to it and tell me what was good and some critique  sometimes but usually it's all positive probably because she's such a  positive person. I feel so close to her and she means so much to me. Well,  I'm not going to bed right now, but I will soon probably. Tomorrow will  be fun, even though I have to take the PSAT, after that I should be  good. I'll have lunch with Ashley, then come home, drive to back for  drama, and just have a nice chill day. Of and do my homework. Well,  that's all for now, so goodnight people!10/19/16Hey  people! I had the PSAT today, so I didn't have classes, and I got out  of school early. I went to lunch with Ashley after the test, which was  pretty fun. We talked about her story a bit, which I'm still really  excited about. It's inspired me to continue you writing. I'm not sure  which story on here I'm going to work on, but I want to write something.  If you people want to read it, you're welcome to obviously. I don't  know how good they are, and my one completed story was one of the first  stories I wrote, so don't expect it to be amazing. It might be, I don't  know your standards, but I don't think it's that good. Anyways,  enough self promotion. Drama practice was fun today, and I didn't go on  much because I didn't feel like I was in the right head space. Or not  to act all snooty and rich. So I had my alternates go, which I was okay  with.Anyways, I have practice tomorrow and poetry club, so I'll go to bed. Goodnight people!10/20/16Hey  people! Today was very jam packed. School was school, and it was pretty  good. I went to poetry after school, and the prompt we had was about  bullying. We had a couple options of what to write under that topic, and  one was that the speaker was in the view of a bystander. I chose that  one. I shared it too, and everyone seemed to appreciate it, even if it  wasn't very good. Drama  was fun, and I went up to do my original speaking part. I felt pretty  good, since the director didn't yell at me about what I was struggling  with. You see, my part entails being very uptight, which I can do, but  also my husband is very likable, and so my character is very clingy. The  person acting as my husband is a guy I don't like in person. I'm not  very comfortable with him, so it was really hard for me to be clingy.  That was what I was struggling with. And tonight the director didn't  yell at me for that, so I felt pretty good. Today was very busy and tiring. I'm going to go to bed and sleep. Good night people!10/21/16Hey  people! I had fun at school today, and I was glad I didn't have  anything to do after school today. Ashley wasn't at school today, but  drew some of her characters from her book. I'm really excited (as I've  said before) about it, and I hope that she keeps writing it. After  school today I started writing more for one of my books, but I haven't  published anything new because I want to try and update like every other  week, but I need to have back up just in case life is hectic and I  don't have time to write for two weeks. I'll probably start updating  after the play is over. I want to have time to write. Plus, November is  national writing month, so trying to write more during that would be  good. So, I'm feeling pretty tired, so I'll be going to bed. Goodnight people!10/22/16Hey  people! I had a very busy day today. I went to Taekwondo, which was  fun. There weren't many people there for black belt class, so it wasn't  as loud. Mop was still there, which is the only reason it was loud at  all. I hope that Android and Mop are okay, because they seem to be  getting more edgy and angry with each other. I know they're brothers,  which is why I'm not completely concerned, but it is still something  I've been noticing.After  Taekwondo I went with my mom to get stuff for my costume. My mom is  making it, but she found out she needed more black thread.  So, we went  to go that, and I got gas since I needed some more. It wasn't much fun,  but it was still enjoyable. I  did some of my homework once I got home, and watched Criminal Minds for  the rest of the day. I'm really excited for next weekend. I'm most  excited for the drama club's Halloween rehearsal, especially since on  Halloween I will be at practice instead of handing out candy. Also, I  have a sleepover with Ashley, Splash, Mara, and Samm. I hope it'll be  fun. I don't know for sure because I feel nervous about it. I love my  friends, but I guess Halloween I've always been able to bring out a  different side of me. In past years, I've gone to my  best friends'  costume party (she lives an hour away), and no one knows me there, so I  can act basically however I want to. I don't really do anything wrong,  but it's fun to be pretend and be different than usual. I love who I am,  but it's nice to explore a different side of me. I don't know if I'll  be able to do that this year since my best friends know that one side of  me. I don't know if I'll be comfortable doing what I usually do. I  guess I'll just be regular me, it'll be easier that way. I'm feeling pretty tired, so I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight people!

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