Week 6 (Unedited)

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07/03/16Hey people! I finally have some time to write  more than three sentences! Yay! Okay, so now I need to get you guys  updated on my birthday and my sleepover and yesterday. And the surprise I  was talking aboutOn  Thursday nothing really happened, except for preparing for the  sleepover. Also, I d4 did the surprise that day, which was dying my hair  black. My hair was blonde, so it was definitely a big change. So far, I  like it, meaning I'll probably keep it. And when I say keep it, as in  have my hair black for the school year. Senior year I'll probably go  back to the blonde hair, but if I end up really liking the black hair, I  might just keep it for longer. Friday  was my birthday, and I had my birthday party. I obviously revealed my  surprise to people as they showed up. Crazy was the first one to show  up, and since I've known her and my mom knows her, we recorded her  reaction. She thought it looked really good, she was more shocked than  upset. I was pretty grateful that she was okay with it. After  Crazy showed up, then Splash and Ashley came together. Ashley was  really shocked, and Splash didn't even really react, it was kinda  funnier that way. Splash thought it was cool, but that was about it.  When we went downstairs, Ashley seemed kind of upset about my dying my  hair. She said, "But you're a blonde!" I hope that was a joke, because  it didn't seem like one from her facial expression. I just shrugged it  off though, and said, "Not anymore." After that she left it alone, and  I'm glad. I like my hair the way it is, and if someone doesn't like it,  that's not my problem. Mara  showed up next, and she seemed to be happy with my hair. She was a  little shocked, but I think more happy in a way. Samm showed up soon,  and she didn't even notice for a bit. Then, she was really shocked. It  took her awhile to adjust to my black hair. Pizza  arrived, everyone ate. Splash had to leave because she needed to go to  Michigan the next day. I opened her present to me before she left. It  was a card and she gave fifty dollars. I was really shocked by how much  it was. She left.After  that, we went upstairs and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I decided it  would be a good idea to go to the park. Ashley was starting to react to  my cats and stuff since she's allergic to them. She's allergic to pollen  too, but less than cats. We ran around a bit, and every once in a  while, I'd see if they noticed I left or not. It was kinda funny to me.  Then later in a joke Ashley ended up walking away from us. I told  everyone to stay there while I found her. It wasn't too hard. We talked  for a little bit, and then we joined everyone else on a bench. Ashley's  allergies were acting up, and walking hurt because she had run a lot  more than she had recently. On our way to my house, I made Ashley text  her mom to bring her home, because I was still unsure about her  allergies and everything. Once  we got to my house, I opened presents. Samm got me a notebook and a  gift card. Mara got me a gift card. Crazy got me a wreck journal thing, a  journal that is supposed to get wrecked. And Ashley gave me a coloring  journal and a gold glitter jar. All of their presents were really nice. We  had cake except for Ashley, and soon she had to leave. I was sad to see  her go, but I knew staying in my house was bad for her, even if she  didn't want to admit it. Once  she left we started watching a movie. Everyone was kinda tired, but the  only one who actually fell asleep during the movie was Mara. We watched  an old movie, and it was really weird, but I was glad my friends liked  it.The  next day, we had bacon and scrambled eggs, which were very good. Or at  least the bacon was. I don't like scrambled eggs. Mara was the first one  to leave. After she left we watched another movie, and then Samm left.  Then, I got to drive Crazy home. We  stopped in her house for a little bit, and asked some of her siblings  what to be careful of during my driving test. They told some little tips  and pointers, which I was glad of. I'm taking the test sometime next  week, and I'm pretty sure it will be Wednesday. I don't really feel too  nervous, especially because everyone I know had to retake their driver's  test. It makes me feel better since I might not pass. I want to pass on  the first try, but I know it's not always possible. Plus, driving Crazy  home gave me my 50 driving hours. And since I started writing this this morning, I haven't done anything today! I'll update with you guys later probably! Nothing happened, so good night!07/04/16Not a very exciting day, so I didn't write. I'll tell you about it tomorrow, I promise. See you people tomorrow!
07/05/16Hey people! I'm taking my driver's test tomorrow so I'm too nervous to write and stuff. I'm so sorry you people!
07/06/16Hey  people! I didn't take my driver's test because there was rain and I  didn't want to take it while it was raining. My dad let me put it off. I  was really nervous all of today really, but just recently (as in a few  minutes ago) my song (Sweet Child O' Mine by Gun N' Roses) came on the  radio and it made me feel like everything was going to be okay. If there  is a god, I'm glad that they did that for me. Even if it was a  coincidence, I'm glad it happened. All my nerves are gone now. Anyways,  I can't remember the last day I told you people about, so I'll start  from Monday. My July fourth wasn't anything special. Dad was gone  driving for work, and it kind of made me sad that he was gone. I wished  he was just there. Every other day I haven't minded, but I did that day.  I guess I was kinda sad that day, or at least I looked sad according to  my mom. Either way, I'm okay now.Yesterday  I went to Taekwondo and I saw people's reactions to my hair. Everyone  said it looked good, and people were just as excited to see me as  before. I received many hugs since almost everyone had been gone the  week of Worlds. My instructor had to adjust, but she still liked it. It  made me feel so comfortable when everyone acted so positive towards it. I  was nervous for my test but otherwise it was a good day. Today  it was raining so I didn't take my test. Sadly that made me more  nervous rather than less. Today nothing really happened, but my friends  wished me luck for my test and said they knew I could do it. I think I  can too, but I don't want my hopes too high because not many people pass  the first time they take their driver's test. I really hope I do  though, it will be easier for everyone. Then  I just need to get a job, one at my Taekwondo place would be  preferable, but my instructor told me a few months ago that they were  having money problems. I always thought that I could get a job there,  but if I can't, it'll be okay. I think. I just won't have money for  gas. Even though there is no special change or anything when I turned 16, I do get to drive and get a job. Yay money and cars. I  forgot to do this the last day of pride month, so shout out to  aromantic people! You are wonderful and amazing for surviving in a world  that is full of romance and how it is normal to feel romance. And extra  shoutout to people who are aromantic but aren't asexual. You aren't  heartless and you're amazing and just keep being you. Okay I should probably go to bed now so that I'm not tired for my test. Night people!07/07/16I  passed! I passed my driver's test! I did it! I didn't think I would,  and I felt like everything I did during that test was wrong. I'm just so  glad I passed! And tonight in going to drive to Taekwondo by myself!  I'm so excited! And  this helps my dad too. Now he doesn't have to stop working to take me  places, I can just go. It'll be a lot easier. I still can't believe I  did it! Plus, my dad says that the old car that we have is mine  basically! This is so awesome! Now  I just need a job to pay for gas and stuff for the car. I'm going to  ask my dad about getting a bank account, or at least taking my savings  account and making it so I can deposit and withdraw money. My instructor  might hire me, but I don't know if they have the money for another  person to pay. All I know is that I need a job if I'm going to drive a  car, and I can't survive on just what I get from birthdays as far as  money is concerned. Well, I'll tell you people how driving and Taekwondo goes, so talk to you people later! ----------------------Hey  people! I got home safely, and many people at Taekwondo were proud of  me. No one was rude, or glared at me, and now more people have seen my  hair, so I'm feeling better about it every day. This is why I love  Taekwondo. Especially at my school. They're my family. They care for me,  so much so my instructor told me to text someone that I got home safe  when I left. I love them so much and they're all so supportive and I  know they would help me if I was feeling bad. I hop everyone can have  something like that in their lives. I think that's enough deep conversation, so that will be all for today, the day I got my driver's license. Night people.07/08/16Hey  people! I had a fun day with my grandma, we celebrated my birthday and  my getting my driver's license. My special present for passing my test  was a leather jacket, which I really think is pretty awesome, and she  gave me $60 for my birthday to spend on whatever I wanted. So I bought a  $35 video game, some markers, a chocolate bar, and my grandma bought me  a pair of shorts. All in all, it was a very good day. I hop  everyone had a good day too, and I felt pretty happy which is always  good. Everyone always try your best to be happy. Do something you like,  listen to your favorite song, something that always makes you feel good.  Anyways, that's enough random advice stuff. Good night!07/09/16Hello People! I hope all is well in your life, as it is in mine. Going  to Taekwondo today was very fun, mostly because I got to drive to  Taekwondo. I also got to 'spar' (fight someone with rules and gear on)  with Huggy (Lioness' older child). It was fun because she didn't know  what to do or anything, so she just did punches and front kicks. Plus I  didn't have to actually spar anyone, and I was pretty tired at that  point in the day so that was good. Huggy finished my class with me (we  were basically done) and bowed out with me. I made Android shake Huggy's  hand, since she was leading the bow out with me (I was the highest rank  in class, so I bow everyone out). The  rest of the day was spent playing the game I bought. I found out that  my dad has been logging more hours for his job so that he can buy me a  Beetle (the car that I want). I was very excited to find out, and I  can't stop feeling excited, even though it will take awhile. I just hope  my dad doesn't go too overboard with his job. I still want to spend  time with him, even if it meant I didn't get a new(er) car anytime  soon. I think that's all for tonight. Night people! Keep being you!

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