Week 13 (Unedited)

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08/21/16Hey people. It's not quite the end of the day,  but I'm feeling kinda bored and lonely, so I thought I would write now.  The demo was actually really good, and lots of people were watching and  stuff, and the back to school event that we were at was really fun. All  the kids had fun, and I got to do little intro classes with some of the  kids there. Most of them liked it a lot. And a bunch of people signed  up, or at least some did. I didn't do much else today, but that's okay. Tomorrow  is the first official day of school, and I'm wondering how people will  react to my black hair. Especially my repeat teachers, like my Spanish  teacher and my theology teacher. My Pre Calc Honors teacher is the  sponsor for my drama club, so I'll get to see how he reacts too. Now  I want to talk to you people. I know that they're not a lot of ripple  reading this, and I understand that. However, it would be nice to know  what you people think of my writing, or relating to what I'm writing.  I'd love to talk to you in comments, and to get feedback, positive or  negative. Or hear what you want me to talk about. Okay,  little rant thing over. I feel a lot better now. And less alone, even  if no one responds to what I wrote, I'll know that I did something. Well, that's all I have for today, so good night people!08/22/16Hey  people. Today was my first day of all classes, and now I understand  what it meant that junior year is crazy. My teachers are crazy. Even  though we have iPads that we're required to have, all of my teachers say  that we can't use them for notes. I thought we were trying to have less  stuff in our back packs. I have more stuff in my back pack this year,  than I did any other year in high school. I'm very annoyed. My mom said  that if after two weeks if I still don't like all of my notebooks,  she'll write me a note so I can't write notes on my iPad. I get why  teachers would rather we write it, but I think it should be our  decision. Anyways,  I got my school supplies today as I always do after school starts with  my grandma. She took me out to dinner too, so we had lots of fun talking  about school and stuff. By the end of the day, after  finishing my homework, it was an okay first day. I think tomorrow will  be better. I really hope so. Plus, I have Taekwondo tomorrow, so it  can't be too bad. So, until tomorrow, I say good night!08/23/16Today  was the second day of school, and was much better. Well, mostly. I had a  lot more stuff in my back pack, and so it was more uncomfortable to  carry. Otherwise, I felt more organized today, and it was more fun  because I got to be lab partners with the two seniors I know in my APES  class. I feel pretty confident now that I know what I need to do for all  of my classes. Taekwondo  was also fun tonight, one of the owners of the school has been back a  lot more recently, and was gone because she is studying to be a nurse.  Because of that, I'll call her Nurse. She's really nice and awesome, so  while I didn't work out a lot, I got to talk with her and my instructor  about all sorts of things, like college and other Taekwondo stories. All  in all, a fun class.Well, that's all that I really feel is  important about today, and I'm excited for tomorrow, ready for what  might come. Good night!08/24/16Pretty  boring day, not much to say, I got gas and we went grocery shopping,  but that was about it. So, I'll talk to you people tomorrow! Goodnight!
08/25/16Hey  people! It's finally almost Friday. I had a pretty good day at school,  even when I thought I had a lot of homework. Actually, I didn't have  much I needed to do. Or, nothing that was very hard. I'm doing pretty  well for the first week of school, or at least I think so. I have  someone in almost every class that I know, so that's good. I'm also very  excited for the open house we have this Saturday at Taekwondo. It's  going to be so fun and awesome. Well, that's all I got right now. I'm going to go take a shower and then go to bed. Good night!08/26/16Hey  people! I'm so glad to be done with the first week of school! It's nice  to know where I stand and such, and now that I've finished the first  week, I feel a lot better about junior year. And, tomorrow is my  Taekwondo school's open house! I'm so excited to do the demo again, and  just to have fun with everyone! I'm kinda tired so that's all I'm going to say. Good night!08/27/16Hey  people! Today there was an open house at Taekwondo, which was super  fun. We did the demo, which is always great, and Team Red and I got to  lead a part of a class about training like a demo team member. It was  fun because we did a dance at the end to music to make sure everyone had  timing. And, I won a raffle! I get to get a pair of Ssang Nats for  free! They're kind of like small scythes, so they're really cool. After  the open house, I went to an ice cream shop with Team Red, Android,  Mop, and their parents of course. It was so fun to just have fun with  everyone and not have to worry about any demos or anything. After that, I went home, and I didn't really do anything else, so that's all I have to report on. Night people!

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