Week 44 (Unedited)

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03/26/17Hey people! Today was a very relaxing day. For  the most part at least. My dad got his job back, which took some  pressure off of me. I felt a lot better once I knew that it was going to  be okay. And hopefully it will be. Someone claimed that my dad denied  service to them because they had a service dog. My dad has never done  that and hasn't even denied service to someone with a service dog. He  might not like dogs, but he wouldn't deny someone service because they  had a service dog with them. Thankfully it was all sorted out. I  went to demo practice in the afternoon. I was a bit late because I was  looking for something to buy my dad. His birthday isn't coming up or  anything, I just think he deserves a present. Demo practice was really  fun and I was actually able to relax. Our first demo for this year is  this Saturday, and I think that now we're ready to perform. I'm still  nervous, but I don't feel hopeless about us doing well. Afterwards  I went home, and my mom worked on pinning up my dress some more. She  promised me it would be done by Wednesday. I'm really excited for it to  be done because while money is going to be tight, if my dad is working  there is more of a chance I'll be able to go. I think it will be a super  fun day and I'll make a lot of memories. I might not be going with a  date but that doesn't really matter to me. What matters is that I'll be  able to have fun with my friends. Since I have school  tomorrow I should probably try and sleep. I'm feeling really anxious  because of a lot of different things. I'm worried about getting any of  the jobs I applied to, school because I have a presentation tomorrow and  I haven't prepared at all, and I guess just in general. I hope I get a  good night's sleep. Goodnight people!03/27/17Hey  people! Today was my first day back at school. It was tiring but I  didn't feel overwhelmed the second I got back. My presentation went well  for English, and the rest of my day at school went smoothly. I found  out that I got a really good grade on my research paper, which brought  my grade up to an A. I don't know if it's enough that I can have the  average I need to be exempt, but I'll just have to try. After  school I hung out with Alex and I did the little homework I had. It was  very tiring to have rehearsal the same day that we were getting back in  the swing of things. I didn't mind though. I got to see my friends, my  daughter and just have fun reviewing music. We got to leave an hour  early, so I got to talk with my friend about everything that happened  over spring break. She got to go to Disney world for band but she also  had some other exciting stuff going on. Eventually she had to leave and  my dad got there a while later. I went home and now I'm  relaxing before I go to bed. I had some food and I should probably go to  sleep soon. So goodnight people!03/28/17Hey  people! Today was pretty good. Not much happened. I went to rehearsal  and we got out early. Sorry people I just don't have much motivation to  write right now. Goodnight people!
03/29/17Hey  people. Today was good. Not much happened at school, or nothing  important. I'm just glad that today is our last day of rehearsal this  week. The children's chorus came to rehearsal. There were so many of  them. Everyone got a buddy and my buddy was pretty nice. They left in  the middle thankfully and I took home some costume stuff for my mom. I'm  really tired. And stressed.  I just don't have much motivation to write  this week apparently. Goodnight people!
03/30/17Hey  people! School was pretty boring. I didn't have a lot of homework, but I  got a lot of stuff done in study hall. My goal for tomorrow is to  finish my paper for Spanish which is due next week. The sooner I have it  done the sooner I can work on the other parts. I  had poetry club after school today, and we made more plans for April  (poetry month). I really want to read my poem, but we haven't been  sharing poems this year. I  went home and ate. Then I went to tutor Vanessa, who hasn't been  turning in her work on time. So now she has a C. I don't know how  exactly to help with that but her mom asked if Vanessa could text me  when she has questions. I agreed but warned her that with rehearsal I  might not always get back to her immediately. I  went to Taekwondo and practiced my form and weapon which was good. I  also found out that King of the Broken sprained his ankle. Two days  before the demo. We planned alternate stuff since he couldn't do the  flip he was working on. I went home and now I'm pretty tired.  I've been tired this whole week and I don't think that will change  anytime soon. Well, I better go try and sleep. Goodnight people!03/31/17Hey  people! Today was pretty fun. Or at least after school it was. School  itself was pretty boring, and I didn't get my paper done but I do have a  start. Now I'm going to assume its due Monday so I get it done over the  weekend. I'm not sure when exactly  I'll get it done because I have a  lot going on, but I'll figure it out. I hope. After  school we had poster plastering for the musical, so we were assigned  groups to go put posters up on certain streets. I was with two juniors,  and a freshman. The juniors were David and Johnny. Alex was the  freshman. I knew all of them pretty well so it was really fun. We  listened to a lot of musical songs in the car as we drove to our street.  Johnny was being funny as always, and Alex was too. Alex is one of my  favorite freshman. She always makes me laugh or smile at rehearsal  whether it's with a hug or a joke. Johnny is pretty cool too. When I was  feeling really stressed at rehearsal he noticed and was one of the  people that gave me a hug. He always makes me forget about bad things,  even if it's just for a moment. And I think I might like him. A lot. But  I have no idea how to tell him that. He's my friend and I feel like if I  told him we'd stay friends even if he wasn't interested, but I don't  know for sure. I want to tell him in person, but I have no idea of how  to go about that. I also want to ask him on a date. If I had thought of  this a week ago I might have asked him to junior prom but it's a little  too late for that. Well,  poster plastering was fun with all of them. We put up all of our  posters and got pizza when we went back. I got to talk to a bunch of  people and I chilled while eating pizza. It was super fun to be with  everyone outside of rehearsal. I  went home and watched some movies with my dad. Plus I gave him his  present from my Hot Topic order. He said that he liked it and I'm glad  he does. Especially since he ended up now liking the slippers I got him.  Not because they weren't soft, but because of the style of slipper they  keep falling off his feet. The slippers they had on hot topic were good  but they didn't have something my dad would like in the correct price  range. Anyways, I should go to bed about now. I have an event for my scholarship in the morning that I can't miss. Goodnight people!04/01/17Hey  people! I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, and so I was  thinking about for my journal to just focus on my cats. Like, what my  cats do at home. Alphy is a black cat who loves to sleep under the cover  with me. She's super soft and a very friendly cat. She likes my mom  better, but that's okay. Robot is a multicolored cat who is younger and  smaller than Alphy. She's a scaredy cat and usually is apprehensive of  people touching her. When  I woke up this morning, Alphy was on my mom's lap. She looked very  content there. I gave her a pet before I left for my scholarship event  about college. It helped me feel less apprehensive about college and  financial stuff. My dad went with me. When I got home Alphy was in about  the same spot as before, but I assume that she wasn't on my mom's lap  the whole time I was gone. I ate some food and Alphy came to sit in my  lap for awhile once my mom had left. She's so soft. I  had to make Alphy get off my lap since I had to go to Taekwondo for a  Power Rangers event they were having there. I said goodbye to Alphy and  Robot before I left. At Taekwondo I helped with a class all about being a  power ranger and we did the demo too. It was very fun. When I got home,  Alphy and Robot were on the couch looking very content. My  mom and I made mini pizzas for dinner, which were yummy. I dyed my  pants for the musical. Alphy was very interested in why we're in the  bathroom, but left soon after since we were ignoring her. I  didn't do much the rest of the day, I just pet Alphy whenever she  decided to go on my lap. I'm feeling pretty tired so I think I'm going  to go to bed with Alphy. Goodnight people and Happy April Fools!

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