Week 3 (Unedited)

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Today was a very calm day for me, I didn't do much of anything. All I know is that for the next three weekends, I'm either going to or hosting a sleepover. Fun Right? I don't know how it's going to go, I just hope I'm not too drained because of it. Shout out to people who are intersex! I'm not exactly sure what that is, but just be you and keep smiling! Don't believe the haters, just be yourself and know that I love you people no matter what. Have a good night!06/13/16Hey people! Today was the first day of Taekwondo summer camp. This week is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but we didn't really do anything related to that. My instructor picked me up in the morning, and I helped with summer camp as a counselor. So did Team Fire, and we both had fun teasing the King of the Broken. He was the only boy there, and so he was outnumbered. There was another girl there for camp, and I think she had fun. I know she liked me enough to get excited when I said I might help with her class. After camp, I had to watch Lioness's daughters. One was only something months old, the other was one. The younger one was very clingy, so I'll call her Clingy. The other one was huggy, so I'll call her Huggy. They were both pretty chill and there wasn't too much crying. Lioness promised to buy me food from my favorite restaurant one day, for taking care of them. Then, after the last class I left with my instructor and came home. I'm glad to be home. Today is MTF (meaning male to female). You are women, not men. You are truly women, and should be treated with respect, and be treated as women, because that is who you truly are. Always be yourself, because I'm proud of you for the way that you are yourself. Whether you decide to transition or not, or can't afford it, you are a woman. And that's the truth. Thanks for reading, and good night people!06/14/16Hey people! I survived the second day of camp, and I might have a surprise for you people. It's so secret I won't even tell you people King of the Broken was still being his oblivious self, and he decided to take a nap in his bag, which was hilarious. Today we taught the kids how to use some weapons, which was fun. I took class after the camp, and I had fun teaching and taking class. That's about it that happened today.Shout out to FTM (female to male) people! You are men, no matter how feminine you may look, or how many people misgender you. You are a man, and you are someone I will always be proud of. Today is your day, so congrats. Have a great day men! And good night to all people!06/15/16My day was fine. Samm is mad at me, and I don't know why. Im just so done. I don't know what to say her, I've said sorry, and now I don't even know what I'm apologizing for anymore. I can't today. I'm sorry people. I'm sorry for everything. And I'm sorry for wasting your time with this. Night people.

06/16/16Hello people! I'm feeling better today, and apparently Samm wasn't mad at me, she just was mad and accidentally took her anger out on me. Now we're all good. I'm so excited for Ashley's sleepover, and Ashley is going to pick me up from my Taekwondo school and it was really nice of her to do that. Then on Saturday I'm doing a bunch of fun stuff too, so I'll be happy to share all that with you. Taekwondo was fun today, we went for a walk during camp, and we got ice cream. After camp I watched Lioness' kids again, but because she was tired I'm guessing she forgot to talk to me about hiring me to babysit during her teaching time. I don't really mind, but I need to know if I need to stay on Monday, so I can tell my dad. Well, either way it'll be cool. But if I am being hired, I'll start getting money for myself, and be able to actually get my friends presents that aren't random and barely put together. I know that they say they love my presents because they're creative, but I feel like I could do more. Anyways, belated shout out to agender people! You guys are amazing and you are who you are and can use whatever pronouns you want. You are valid and real. One of my friends is agender and they're the reason I say "people" instead of "guys" when addressing you people. So that no one thinks I'm being gender-specific. You people rock and roll! And for today, happy genderfluid pride! You people are the gender you say you are, no matter what. Whether you feel more like one gender more than another that day, whether it's the exact opposite of five minutes ago or two weeks ago, you are the gender you feel you are at that time. You people are awesome and real and deserve respect!Okay, now that we're done with that, it's time to say good night! I'm feeling pretty tired, and I still need to pack for Ashley's sleepover. Good night people!06/17/16Hey people! I guess my journal didn't save, but I was at a sleepover with Ashley and Splash! It was fun! I'll tell you about it in my next update later Saturday!
06/18/16Hello people! I did a lot the past few days. I went to Ashley's sleepover and splash was there too. Friday night we went shopping, and while they bought some stuff, I didn't buy anything because I didn't have money and didn't really feel like I deserved to get anything. I was just kind of there. It was kind of weird, I don't know what was really going on in my head that day. In one of the shores, when I looked at all the dresses and pretty clothes.... I felt kind of dysphoric. I don't know, I just didn't feel comfortable. I don't know why, and I can't explain it, but I did. I'm okay know, but I still don't know why I felt so weird. Anyways, that Saturday we got a bunch of stuff and bought something I'm really excited for. It's supposed to be a surprise, so I'm not even telling you guys until my birthday. We went to Chile's for Father's Day even though it wasn't until Sunday. The rest of the day was pretty relaxing. Shout out to Bigender and trigender people! You people are completely valid and wonderful and beautiful! Always be yourself and use whatever pronouns you want! If people can't respect that, then they shouldn't be respected. Love you people and have an awesome day! Note: For some reason this didn't post again yesterday (since it is currently Sunday) so sorry!

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