Week 26 (Unedited)

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11/20/16Hey people! Today I saw Fantastic Beasts and  Where to Find Them, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. It was so wonderful and  after the movie my mom told me there were four more in this series and I  was so happy. I can't even believe that. It felt like it could be a  movie standing on its own. I'm not going to talk much about the plot  because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I hope all Harry Potter  fans get to see it and enjoy it because it truly is fantastic. I  haven't done much else today, I did watch the first two Harry Potter  movies.  Thought it was only appropriate. I also noticed this morning  that I don't have any Harry Potter shirts. I have to fix that. I don't  when or how, but I will fix it. I've also done laundry, but that's  pretty boring. I  did figure something out though. Lately I've been concerned with  relationships, mostly because I haven't been in one or been asked out or  anything. Most of my concern was that I wouldn't know what to do in a  relationship. Today while I was talking to someone they told me about  how if I wanted a boyfriend I would have to be okay with sending sexual  pictures. I'm not okay with that, and I realized that if that's the only  way to be in a relationship with a guy or anyone, I don't want to be in  one. I'd rather be alone and have self respect than be in a  relationship. And now I honestly feel better. I don't think this is a  temporary feeling either. I feel different. I've decided that I'm going  to let myself be me instead of trying to grow up. I have time to grow  up. I won't have more time to be young. If that means I'm immature I'd  rather be immature than unhappy. I'm finally happy being me. I  want to say thanks to those who commented and told me to keep going. It  really does mean a lot to me. And yeah I would have kept going but my  entries probably wouldn't be as positive. Or very detailed. I'm still  going to have bad days obviously, but I feel more need to put effort in  when I know that people are supporting my endeavors. So, thank you for  reading. I think I'm going to spend the rest of today writing  one of my other stories. I'm not sure which one, or if I will, but I  know nothing else is going to be going on today. So, I'm going to say  goodnight people!11/21/16Hey  people! Today was pretty chill since I didn't have school. I went with  my mom grocery shopping, and finished some of my homework. It was nice  to have not much to do. The person I tutor is sick, so I didn't even  have to go do that. I hope she feels better.  I  talked to my grandma about sleeping over at her house. Every  thanksgiving, I sleep over the night before to help her make stuff for  our Thanksgiving meal. It's really fun. I'm going to be able to this  year too, so it'll be good. I'm excited for thanksgiving. Well, I think I  am. I get to see my grandma, and some of my cousins. Which is good.Not  much happened today. Most of my friends have been busy with their  lives, so I've been writing, but I haven't published any of it yet.  Maybe I'll talk to my friends tomorrow. I guess that's it's for today.  Goodnight people!11/22/16Hey  people! Today I did some of my homework, so I'm almost done worrying  about it, and not much else. I didn't write much, but that's okay. At  Taekwondo, I only stayed for champion and legacy training because my  instructor had stuff to do and no one else was there for adult class. It  was fun anyway because I got to work on my form and talk about video  games. It was pretty nice, especially right before thanksgiving. Well, today was pretty uneventful, but I'm still tired. Goodnight people!11/23/16Hey  people! More stuff happened today, even though I forgot to do my  homework. In the afternoon my grandma picked me up. We went grocery  shopping, with the kids of a family living with my grandma. They're like  family, or at least for my grandma. The kids were pretty active, but  not enough where I wanted to hurt either of them. Or at least not  badly. After  that, we went back to my grandma's house. Their dog Thor is more rough.  He jumped on me a couple times, and bit my arm. I know he wasn't trying  to hurt me, but it still hurt. He's a German Shepard, and he's about  eighty pounds currently. Whenever he went to jump on me, since he was  about my size when he was on his hind legs, my first reaction was to  defend myself like I was being attacked. Thankfully, that means blocking  first. We  got pizza, and then the kids' mom came home. I'll call her Tiana. She  saw my black hair for the first time (I don't see their family that  much). She was pretty shocked. She's training to be a hair dresser, so  she was very impressed by the condition of my hair even though she  frowned upon my using box dye. Jack came home a bit later. He was pretty tired from his job, but still had enough energy for his kids. He's so nice. I  had a nice time tonight with my grandma and Tiana's family. I'm excited  to help my grandma make stuff for thanksgiving, and Tiana and her  family will be gone for tomorrow's thanksgiving meal. I'll see them in  the morning though. Hopefully tomorrow will be good. I don't know what  would make it not good, but I hope it'll just be good. Even  though I didn't do much work today, other than entertaining kids at some  points, I'm feeling pretty tired. Maybe I didn't sleep well. I won't  sleep much better tonight since I'm not in my own bed, but it'll be  okay. Goodnight people!11/24/16Hey  people! And happy Thanksgiving! I had a lot going on today. I helped my  grandma make  bunch of stuff, like the turkey. Thee were a lot of my  grandma's side of the family there. Well, basically just her family. It  was okay. I wasn't involved in too many of the conversations, or at  least I wasn't the subject of the most of them. I'm glad. I don't really  like being talked about, even in a positive way. I like listening more.  I wasn't bored though. I  went home with my parents, and watched movies with my dad. It was  pretty nice and fun. I don't have much else to do today, but I am  worried a bit about homework, b I can't do much about it currently  because I need to be in the school to do it. Since  it is Thanksgiving, I want to reflect on all the things to be thankful  for. Especially in a time where society is seeing all the flaws in  itself. I'm thankful that I have a family to spend thanksgiving with, a  family that loves me. I'm thankful for the caring parents that I have,  and for everything they do for me. I'm thankful for my mom, who is  willing to spend her time with me, cook for me, help and support me in  all my endeavors. I know I'll never be able to repay her for all that  she's done for me. I'm thankful for my dad and providing for me, and  always pushing me to be an individual and do things myself. He's done  and sacrificed so much of himself to give me the best opportunities he  can. Thank  you to those who have become apart of my family. Thank you to my drama  club. We all know it sounds cheesy, but we really are family. The family  that I need at school. The people I know I can count on to give me a  smile and wave in the halls, or hugs when I'm tired during practice. I  know that I would not be the same without my drama family. I want to  thank my best friends for being there to make me laugh and text me when  they think something's wrong. I want to thank them for being so  understanding and kind to me. They all mean so much to me and I know I'm  a better person because of all of their amazingness. Thank  you to everyone who reads this. You're part of why I do this. Why I  post my thoughts and the events of my days on here. Thank you all for  being supportive by reading, voting, and commenting. Thank you for your  time and support. Well, I better get to bed. Goodnight people!11/25/16Hey  people! Today has been nice and quiet. My dad went and got a PS4. I've  been trying to do my homework, but can't find any real motivation to do  it. I don't know, but I'll do it before the end of break obviously.  There wouldn't be any excuse for not doing it. I had a week. It's  nothing major, which is probably why I keep putting it off. It'll be  okay, right? I  just spent today playing games and talk to my friends, mostly Splash.  Ashley's parents are being weird or something (I don't know exactly and I  didn't want to push), so she might not be able to go with us to  FurFest. Splash is super excited about it, and so am I. Samm is also  planning on going. I want Ashley there, but I can't make her parents let  her. The only other problem is that we were going to have a sleepover  at her house, and if she's not going there's no reason to make her host  us if she's not coming with us. Splash and I are thinking that if Ashley  can't go, that we'll have the sleepover at my house. I hope Ashley can  go, but I know we can still have fun even she can't be there. I'm so tired. I better go to sleep then. Goodnight people!11/26/16Hey  people! I didn't have Taekwondo today, so I went with my parents to see  Moana. It was great. I loved it a lot. The songs are very catchy. Once I  got home, I listened to the songs again. It was really fun. I watched  some movies at home too, mostly musicals. For my moms birthday, my dad  decided that he would get her the new rock band since it was available  for the PS4. So, we spent some time playing it. Dad even lost track of  time and didn't go out driving as soon as he wanted to. I think it was  worth it. I don't know if he does, but we did have fun playing. On Rock  Band, I sing, my mom plays the guitar, and my dad plays the bass. After  my dad left, Mom and I played for a while. By the end, I was feeling  pretty tired. I know singing isn't that hard, but I had to sing through  both my mom and dad, separately. So it was a bit longer than usual.  Plus, I'm not used to it. I've  been thinking about something a lot lately. I've been thinking on and  off of publicly coming out as asexual. The thing that always stopped me  from posting it on Facebook had never been that my parents or close  friends wouldn't accept me (they already knew), but that there are so  many people who don't know what asexuality is, and therefore reject it. I  didn't want to deal with that. I didn't want to explain it to anyone. I  wanted people to just accept it even if they didn't understand what it  really was. I was also really tired of people assuming I was straight,  when I'm not. It was more frustrating than people being jerks. I hated  when people couldn't realize they were being rude AND not being able to  tell them to stop because I would have to come out to them personally. So,  I decided before watching Moana that I would write a post for Facebook,  coming out as asexual. I turned off my data right after, so that I  didn't see any reactions until I got home. I knew that many people would  be understanding and supportive, but I thought that there would be some  people who completely rejected it. Not all of my Facebook friends are  people I consider my friends in real life. I just decided to enjoy the  movie, and let go of any worries, because it was too late at this  point. When  I got home, I checked my notifications. I had likes, hearts, and  supportive comments. I was so happy. People accepted who I was, and  didn't question it. I was proud that I could finally be myself. And make  ace jokes. That's probably one of my favorite things about being out. Im  nervous about a lot of stuff. I haven't finished all my homework, and I  don't have much time left to finish it. I've been letting minor things  slide because I kept telling myself I had time, and now I don't and I'm  kinda freaking out. After talking with my mom, I feel a lot better, but  not completely. I can already tell that it's going to be hard to go to  sleep. But, I'm going to try anyways. Goodnight people!

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