Week 45 (unedited)

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04/02/17Hey people! Today I had a tournament at  Taekwondo so I didn't go to rehearsal. The tournament was very fun and  while I didn't get first in what I competed in, I did do pretty well.  Especially since I haven't competed for a year. I got second in forms,  second in sparring, and third in weapons. Or I think that was how I did.  I don't really remember. I was helping to judge rings all day, which  was very fun but very tiring. When  I eventually got home, I realized that I had all of my Spanish project  to do. I may or may not have freaked out. It isn't due tomorrow, but it  is due Tuesday and I wanted to get the first part done early. That's  what I spent the rest of my time doing until now.I should go to bed. I have school and rehearsal tomorrow so goodnight people!04/03/17Hey  people! Today was super tiring but not much really happened. School was  good, and I finished the first part of my project. My Spanish teacher  was sick but she'll probably be back tomorrow. Rehearsal  was good, we have started going through the whole show but we obviously  didn't get through all of it in the first try. It was very tiring  though. Well I'm very tired so goodnight people!04/04/17Hey  people! Today was good but I'm getting more tired as the week goes on.  And it's only Tuesday. Well school was good. My teacher wasn't here  again for Spanish so I was able to finish the second part of the  project. I'm guessing she'll be back tomorrow. She's sick, so I hope she  feels better. The rest of the day went well too.After  school is when I got my project done, and I was pretty happy about  that. Now I just need to do the third part tomorrow. Rehearsal was  pretty fun too. Except that they children were there so we got less  done. It was kind of aggravating but I know that we have to work with  them. Everyone was talking so much that no one could get anything done.  It wasn't just the kids though. It was everyone. I did have fun at  rehearsal though. I'm pretty exhausted so I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight people!04/05/17Hey  people! Today was good. My teacher wasn't here today either and she  postponed everything that we're supposed to do which I'm pretty happy  with. It also means I have no motivation to do the last part of the  project. That's okay though, since I don't have it due soon now. Nothing  else really happened at school today. At  rehearsal we choreographed the megamix. It was pretty fun but I know it  will be challenging since we have to sing during the whole song, which  is about six minutes. But it was actually really fun to learn and  everyone was talking less which was good. I had a lot of fun during  rehearsal even if I was tired. I'm still pretty tired so I should probably go to bed goodnight people!04/06/17Hey  people! Today my Spanish teacher was actually here. She couldn't talk  very loudly but she was able to lead class. We rescheduled our projects  and a quiz we were supposed to have. The last part of the project is due  in about two weeks so I'm very grateful for that. Everything else is  due Monday which I'm fine with since I finished them. The rest of the  day went well. I have a test and a quiz tomorrow but I think I'm ready  for them. We also have a prep rally tomorrow which will be fun since  someone from the poetry club will be performing their poem. I  didn't have rehearsal tonight, I actually got to go home right after  school. I was very happy about that. I didn't tutor Vanessa because she  got an ear infection so she wasn't able to go anywhere or do anything. I  did get to go to Taekwondo and workout which made me happy too. It  tired me out in the best way and was a good way to end my day. When  I got home I redyed my hair which I'm happy about. Now it will all be  one color for prom this Saturday. I am tired after all of that so I'm  going to go to bed. Night people!04/07/17Hey  people! Today was pretty good. School was fun and I didn't get much  homework for the weekend, which is great since I have so much going on  this weekend, including ACT, junior prom, rehearsal and senior sendoffs.  It's going to be super fun, but also super tiring. The  prep rally was very fun. There was someone from poetry who preformed,  and the dance team did and two acts from banua. It was pretty good  except that some people wouldn't stop talking no matter what was going  on. The pep rally was for the arts, and I guess they just really didn't  care. If ty don't like the arts they should stop watching movies or  listening to music. Or they just wanted to talk. Who knows. After  school I went to poetry club for a little bit which was fun. I didn't g  to stay for long because I had rehearsal right after school. I wasn't  very happy about having rehearsal on a Friday but I knew that it was  needed. We worked on music and finished up going through the show once.  I'm proud to say that I remember most if not all of the dances now. After  rehearsal I had to wait for a bus to come since my dad couldn't come  pick me up. Johnny was waiting for his ride too and we ended up talking  for awhile. We ended up talking about his ex for a bit or more like  their break up. They dated for three months, and they've been apart for  one. I know his ex, she's my friend. Or kind of. It apparently was a  messy break up. I won't get into it much. I was fine with listening to  him talk about it, but it did show me how much he cared about her. How  much he loved her. He even said that he would get back with her since  she basically broke it off. It hurts but I knew that he did so it didn't  surprise me. I just hope that at the end of the day he's happy. He does  seem to be even if he's hurting a bit. There were so many moments where  I just wanted to blurt out that I liked him, but I knew I couldn't. It  wouldn't be fair to him, or my friend, so for now I'll just wait and see  if the feeling dissipates or strengthens. I missed my bus.  But I caught another one. Once I got home I felt very tired. I haven't  done much since then. I should probably go to bed. Goodnight people!04/08/17Hey  people! Today was pretty great. I had the ACT in the morning which  wasn't very fun, but I think that I did well. And surprisingly I didn't  feel too tired while taking it. I didn't know anyone in my room. Well, I  did but I didn't talk to any of them. I don't mind that I don't talk to  a lot of people because the people I do talk to are really amazing. I  didn't do much after that until the evening. I had junior prom, and I  was very excited. I drove to Ashley's house for pictures and Splash got  there too even if she was a bit late. I had fun taking a bunch of  pictures with them. Splash and Ashley looked beautiful in their dresses.  Splash had a light blue dress, and Ashley had a long white dress. I was  wearing a purple dress of course, and I love it. I  drove us to junior prom which was pretty fun. I joked that I would wear  my gym shoes in (which I brought for driving) to the dance instead of  my silver heels. They match my dress since they're purple, but I decided  against it since I had brought them. The  venue was beautiful. Or I thought it was. On the outside the  arquitectura was an older style, and that was matched on the inside.  There were tables set up to sit at, and there were desserts and snacks  on the side. I had about three sprites just because I could. Splash,  Ashley and I walked around and talked to people for awhile until people  started dancing. Splash and I danced for a bit before we noticed that  Ashley wasn't dancing. She was having a bad reaction to the dance  because of past stuff so I sat with her while Splash and Skylar danced. It  may not have been the most fun, but I was glad that o could be there  for her. Her dad got there and she went home. I went back upstairs and  danced for awhile with Skylar and Splash. It was still very fun. We  danced with other people too, like Johnny. I'm really glad that I went. Now, however I'm very tired and have a full day of rehearsal and senior send offs tomorrow. Goodnight people!

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